Write a poem titled “You Never Asked, But…”
Unsaid sentiments may be a prominent theme in this poem.
you never asked, but…
you never asked, but I’m not okay
after what you did to me?
I don’t know if I ever will be
I get it
I do
you realized I’m not who you thought I was
I know it
I know I’m not pretty
I’m not that funny
nor smart
not popular
really awkward
kinda crazy
actually really crazy
but I don’t think I deserve what you did
I know it might not have felt like anything to you
but it did to me
and I still don’t understand
why you did it
what even happened
how could you
just change your mind like that
one day we were almost in love
the next you’re like
don’t like you
didn’t wanna hurt you
so I lied
told you I did
but I didn’t
never did, never will
you just did so
it’s been forever since then
you probably haven’t thought about me in a while
but I think about it time to time
think about you
think about what it could’ve been like
if you weren’t a jerk
or maybe just an idiot
I’m not even sure
I don’t even know what happened
but I do know you ruined it
you ruined me
I’ve liked guys after you
one of them was great
he’s nice
makes me laugh
we’re still friends
my feeling just faded away
as I fell for this one
this one
he’s pretty
like really pretty
don’t know much about him
but he makes me heart jump
he makes me smile
just by being in the same room
you know
you used to do that
not anymore
now my smile fades away
whenever I see you
or hear your name
or think about you
think about what you did to me
you’re never gonna be sorry
that hurts
you hurt me
and you’ll never feel the pain
when I was crying because of you
you didn’t care
you maybe didn’t know
but you didn’t care
you didn’t even ask
no, you didn’t care
you never cared
after me you got an actual girlfriend
with the label
together for a year
and she dumped you
I’m guessing it was her
maybe she saw you for who you are
a jerk
an idiot
whatever it may be
I don’t care
I hate you all the same
hate what you did to me
hate you’ll never feel how I felt
you broke me
I hope she broke you too
it doesn’t look like it from the outside
but I hope you got a taste of pain
of what you did to me
I wish you felt that
I wish you were sorry
I know you don’t
you aren’t
but I wish you were
it just hurts
even after this long
you still hurt me
and I don’t think that pain
is ever gonna go away
you may have forgotten me
but I haven’t forgotten you
nor what you did to me
I hate you
what you did to me
it’s stupid
it just hurts