Let me tell you a story.

A story, a journey, about a best friend of mine.

Born in 1955, she was the middle child of 5.

By the age of 20, she had not only travelled parts of the world, she moved to a new country.

Just like the caring nature she always had, she chose to become a nurse.

Today, over 40 years later, she still cares and nurses the sick to health.

But she wasn’t just a nurse, a traveller or the middle child of five. You see, she is so much more.

She may not have many muscles to show, but she is the definition of strength.

She may not be a super model, but beauty surrounds her.

She may not be Einstein, but she is my book of knowledge and wisdom.

She may not be a sous chef with Michelin stars in a fancy restaurant, but she is the best cook I know, filled with love every time.

She may not be the most famous nurse in the world, but she is best one I know.

She may not fight lions in the safaris of Africa, but brave runs through her.

She may not be mother Theresa, but she is the best mum you could ask for, to three beautiful woman. And two grandchildren.

Those three beautiful woman, wouldn’t be who they are today. Without a mum like her, life wouldn’t be the same.

If there is one woman that I strive to be every day, that is her.

My hero.

My idol.

My travel buddy.

My book of wisdom.

My best friend.

You see, this best friend I talk about, is my mother.

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