Counting Days

Day 10

10 days ago this journey of ours started. Where we set our into the unknown, unsure of what would await us out there.

A part of us will always be afraid. We are afraid that aren’t coming back. That our loved ones will have to come to terms that they will have to go on without us. And our last memories were filled with tears and farewells.

Yet it’s all overshadowed by what could be. By our hopes and dreams that could save everyone.

It’s that part that keeps us going.

Even despite the silence that has overtaken this world. Or the fact none of us has seen another living thing. Or the odd sounds that haunt our sleep.

If we can change life, then we have to press on. It’s the only way.

But I can only wonder, what has happened to Earth? What has happened to everyone?

In this fog, our answers lie. At least we hope.

Day 30

After 30 days, we finally found other humans. If we can even call them that.

We barely escaped their frenzied state as they clawed and begged us to stay. To stay with them and give them a way to survive.

We had no other choice but to kill them. Maybe if things were different, we would have been ridden with guilt but we can only survive if we do what must be done.

Still, I can’t help but wonder what caused such a state. They weren’t zombies, they simply seemed like their mind or something was corrupted. That something terrified them so much all they needed was a sweet end.

My thoughts goes back to the building, to my children and parents, to my husband. I wonder if they have succumb to this outcome.

I hope they haven’t.

Day 51

Something has changed in the group. We can hardly focus, we can barely stay awake long enough to travel.

And Moe, he’s losing it. I can see it in his eyes, something isn’t right in his head.

Or maybe something not right with me. Maybe I’m the one going crazy. That someday I’ll turn on them.

I don’t know any more. I don’t know.

What am I even doing? We were once searching for…for…for help. For supplies, for some sort of hope. We were looking for a miracle in this fog that has enveloped every nook and cranny of this planet.

We were fools. We are fools.

Doom only awaits us.

It awaits us. Simply waiting for us to finally give in so it can grab us.

It plays with our minds, traps us in never ending mazes of nightmares. We can’t sleep anymore, not for long.

I can only say, I’m sorry.

Day 87

We finally came face to face with it. And it’s glorious. It can free us from our suffering. It can grace us with such bliss.

It will do so much for us.

I can helped but be happy. I can finally rest. I don’t have to worry about…heh, looks like it’s already working.

I feel so alive, so free.

Maybe then I can keep ignoring this nagging feeling that I’m supposed to be doing something.

Ha, wait, no this is wrong. I don’t…something…ah!

For those who find this. Do not trust Its words. Do not trust those you find in the fog. They are bait.

Stay anchored.

Ha, it’s coming. It is coming me. I must go.

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