If Only I Hadn’t Left

That fateful day

On December Ninth

I’ll never forget

I left the house

After our fight

In a fit of rage

And tears rolling

Down my face

If only I had stayed

Maybe I could’ve

Stopped it

Maybe I wouldn’t

Be sitting her now

With the police

Recounting how

I left the house

Over and over

And over again

If only

I had been there

Maybe you would still be here

Laughing and smiling

Hugging and cuddling me

I regret it all

The fight, leaving you

I stare at a picture of us

Captured in a moment

Without our knowledge

I was looking at you

My heart in my eyes

A lovesick smile

On my stress-free face

I miss all those times

When I took your presence for granted

I wish I could still do that

I wish you were still sitting next to me

I wish you walked through that door right now

I wish, I wish, I wish

I hadn’t left that day

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