1,000 year old friend

I’ve stood here for centuries, tall, strong, and unwavering. The wind rustles my green hair, and the ground melts inbetween my toes. Critters make their homes and their hunting grounds in my shade. A thousand years I’ve stood here, and for a thousand more I will watch as I watch my neighbors change from wood and grass, to asphalt and steel.

I don’t fret over this change. I find it fascinating. Everyday brings something new. And today brings something... unfamiliar. A first.

I listen with intent as two humans, a young man and young woman sit in my shade for a meal.

This ordeal is nothing new, in fact several other humans are doing this very thing underneath some of my neighbors.

However, these two are different. I’ve come to expect a sense of predictability and frailty from them. Even when they’ve carved their initials into me, the wound ironically lasts longer than them.

So it wasn’t until I heard them speak that my curiosity was forthcoming.

“I’m sorry,” the man said, “I’m not good at these things.”

That is strange, I think. The males are usually so outgoing. Is he defective?

“It’s ok!” The woman said. Her voice was cheery and supportive. “I figured you didn’t really talk to a lot of people in school, so I knew you’d be a little quiet. I like it actually.”

“You do?” The male asks.

“Yeah! I mean, I like hearing you talk! I like your voice, but... I don’t know, it’s just cute.”

“Cute,” he repeats the word, as if tasting its meaning for the first time. “I’ve never been called that before.”

For the first time, the girl seems to lose her cheer, and a hint of pity could be seen. She was right to hide it quickly. Pity was not appreciated by other humans. “Well, I think you are. The truth is... I’ve been with tough, stuck up douches at school. Yeah, their game can turn heads but it doesn’t keep anyone’s attention for very long. That’s why I was interested in you. You’re so quiet. I’m curious what’s inside that head of yours.”

“Nothing good,” the man says coldly. “You wouldn’t like my thoughts.”

“What about your thoughts about me?” She asked,” would I like those?”

The man doesn’t say anything, but I notice the fascinating change in color on his cheeks. Such a trick takes months for me to perform, and what turns orange falls to the ground.

She smiles. I assume she notices his blush as well. “Do you want to know my thoughts about you?”

He turns to her. “Sure.”

“I think youre cute, you’re smart, and after yesterday you have a damn good sense of humor. I think inside there’s an amazing man, wait for someone to unlock the door.”

“So?” He asks.

“So, are you willing to let me try and find the key?”

I’ve stood here for centuries, tall and strong; But today, her cunning and his innocence made me waver.

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