Compose a poem that reads like a monologue.

A monologue is a speech given by one character only, usually to express their thoughts out loud.


i’m sick of love i’m sick i’m sick i’m sick im sick of it and i hate it and i hate it because i love it and i love love so much it hurts and i’m so tired of the hurt and i just hate everything and all i can think of is love and other peoples loves and my lack of it and i just can’t take it anymore so all i can do is be angry at love and i am so so angry all i want to do is scratch and kick and scream and do anything but fall in love but thats a choice i cant make because i’ve already fallen in love and i hate it and there’s nothing i can do to take it back and i hate it i hate it i hate it so much that i can’t help but feel sick from all the love building up inside me it makes me want to vomit and cry because all i can do is love and im so tired of loving it’s too hard and i am just not built to house so much love and at the same time house none given to me so i am kicking and screaming and scratching and biting because i don’t know what else to do except for cry and maybe throw up and be tired and god what i would give to not love but i can't and i’m so starved and hungry and i just want to go home and crawl into my mothers arms and for someone to tell me that it’s gonna be okay-

because it really feels like it won’t be.

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