Glenwood Cast

Everyday after school you’ll find me at Glenwood Park. Well, mostly everyday. I come to the park next to our neighborhood and I swing for hours on end. Except that’s not all I do. I like to watch the people.

I’ve found over the years that you can learn a lot about someone just by watching them for a little while. Mr. Jenkins is a business man who is always talking into his earbuds while running. Miss. Murray is an English teacher who has an addiction to romantic British novels. I think she’s also trying to find her Mr. Darcy. Mrs. Randle has two children named Claire and Rider who love playing at the park. While her children play she works on her bible study. One of my favorites is Miss yoga pants, also known as Kelli Bishop. She is always wearing yoga pants and a sports bra. Her hair is beautiful, blonde, and flawless. My messy buns actually look messy. Her messy buns look perfect. She comes here and does yoga a few times a week, but I know why she’s really here, Silent Sam. He sits under a tree and draws. I’ve only seen a couple, but they looked amazing. I wonder if he’s drawn Kelli. I’m sure she’d love that.

This is what I do. I observe. I wonder if anyone has ever observed me?

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