Kitchen Knife

I recognized his eyes as soon as he walked through the door. I froze. I couldn’t do this right now. “ No no no no no no no no, this can’t be happening.” In a panic I grabbed a frying pan and held it like a baseball bat. “Well hello there Darla, long time no see.” His voice was the same deceitful one I heard the many years before. “Your supposed to be in prison why the hell are you at my house!” “Oh, you know, just to check up on you after all these years, perhaps to see the lovely long lasting trauma I gave you.” His piercing grey eyes were staring into my soul as though he was taking a look at my brain to see what I was thinking. I began backing away slowly towards my phone, hoping to call the police. “ I felt his strong grip as he’d pulled my arm and turned me in the opposite direction. “What do you think you’re doing.” “ Calling the cops, I’ve had enough of your company.” “ How pathetic, you really think I’m dumb enough to stand here and wait while you call the cops.” My heart was pounding. My palms were sweaty. I hadn’t a clue of what to do now.

“Come on, don’t pretend it’s not nice having me here, like two friends being reunited.” “You tried to kill me,” I screamed so loud my own ears were ringing. He looked very disoriented and I took that to my advantage. I slipped out of his grip and ran to my kitchen where I took out a knife. He was right behind me and I was right out to stab him. I raised the knife in my hand and started lowering it above his chest. The whole time he was watching me intently like a child with a television. The knife was so close to his chest, I was inches away from finally getting payback. But he caught it. It cut his hand horribly but he didn’t seem even a slight bit phased. I looked at him with the type of fear in my eye that I had only had the last time we met. He yanked the knife out of my hand and I let him, he didn’t even pull hard, I was just so frozen in fear that I didn’t even try to resist. Then, all at once I felt a stabing pain in my left arm. I looked down and realized that I was, in fact, being stabbed. I pulled my arm off the knife sobbing hysterically as the already excruciating pain worsened. I grabbed a tooth pick off my my counter with my remaining hand and poked him in the eye.

I made a run for it and left out my open apartment door and into to corridor. I noticed after running for a while that he wasn’t chasing me. “That can’t be right,” I thought “ He couldn’t have just stopped chasing me. I didn’t have time to stand and ponder. I started running again and left out the building door. People in the lobby gazed at me in utter horror as they saw the trail of blood and then in disgust as they saw the source. I didn’t care. All that matter was that I was alive. I turned the corner into an ally way to catch my breath. “I ok.” “I’m still alive and he’s not behind me.” Then I heard footsteps. “Oh lord, I’ve jinxed it.” I turned around and, just what I had expected, he was right there. “How is this possible?!” “ if he hadn’t been behind me the entire time how did he catch up so fast?” It was over. He was right there and I didn’t have any energy left, I didn’t have a phone and there wasn’t a single person in the block.

I used my last ounce of energy to jump over the fence in hopes of delaying my death if only by seconds. God had heard my prayers because right there, right in front of me was a cop. I ran to him scream and talking as fast as I could before my killer could catch up. When he finally did jump the fence the cop shot him in an instant. I saw his body go limp and he fell to the floor, kitchen knife in hand. After all these years of fearing he was gone. He couldn’t hurt me anymore. I closed my eyes and passed out from blood loss, becoming unafraid for the first time since I was eight.

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