Write a story or poem where the past meets the future.

Welcome to the matrix

Sitting by the pool, reading my book, hearing the laughter of children, the small talk of adults. I glance up and I see her. She’s quietly swimming laps in the water and keeping to herself. It’s then that I notice the scars she’s trying to hide. Her t-shirt she was wearing over her bathing suit slipped off her shoulder and the scars, sun soaked, looked as red as a brand new cut. Looking down at my own shoulders I knew that these scars were just standing out due to the heat, and that not all of them were new, but I also knew that some were. After awhile she got out of the pool, and I was lost in my own thoughts. She grabbed a towel and walked over to the only open recliner, directly next to me. “Excuse me,” I jump out of my thoughts and glance up to see the young girl next to me, “ is this spot taken?” She finishes quietly once I have glanced at her. “Umm, no it’s not.” I reply. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Megan. What’s yours?” She replies politely.

“Umm.. Megan as well.” I reply sort of shocked.

She gives me a funny look and pulls a book out of her bag. The book is one of my absolute favorites as a child, and I can not help but commenting. “I’ve read that book! It was my favorite when I was about your age.”

“I know,” she replies, still looking at me with the strange look. And without another word from her or myself I know, the universe is giving me the chance we all dream about in hypotheticals. “What would you say to yourself If you could go back in time?” But that’s only supposed to be hypothetical I tell myself... but realize quickly that this supposed hypothetical situation was here, right in front of me- not hypothetical, but real. “Hey umm Megan,” I say finally.

“Yes?” She replies.

“It’s all going to be okay one day you know. The things that cause you so much pain now will not last forever. You’ll make it out of the dark place. You’ll find people that actually love you, and their love won’t hurt you. You’ll find days that you actually enjoy, and your heart won’t feel as shattered.” I say. Her eyes grow wide and I see the tears welling up. She says “thank you.” And then walks away. Then whistle blows, signaling the end of the day at the pool, and I sit up abruptly from my nap, looking around for this girl who was so real before my eyes not more than ten minutes before. Realizing it was a dream, I smiled and started gathering my stuff, reflecting on the weird dream and being thankful that I wasn’t actually living in some sort of matrix world. I picked up my bag and started walking when I see her brown head bobbing in front of me.

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