Write a poem about the moment of clarity that comes after a long period of confusion or doubt.
No One Gets It
Blurred visions.
Can’t tell real from fake.
People or demons?
Questions unanswerable.
How to get by,
When I’m a swirl and a mess.
I just can’t seem,
To open my eyes.
I feel the depression.
The anxiety.
The sleepless nights.
The tears.
One day I opened my eyes.
You wouldn’t believe what I saw.
I saw a fake and a lier,
Trying to hurt me in secret.
Talking to much.
Thats what I do.
It’s probably why she did it.
Take advantage of me.
Hurt me til I broke.
All the things she doesn’t know.
Friends hurt and break you.
School involves stress and no sleep.
Parents don’t understand.
Everyone is fighting a mental war.
Some are fighting a physical war.
I’m fighting both,
And I’m not winning.
I’m losing a piece of myself everyday.
My hype and fun personality,
Is turning into a sad and quiet one.
How happy I used to be.
It’s all gone.
There’s no one to truly trust,
Or that can know anything.
Life in general is so hard.
Why is there no one who gets it?
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