The Seasons Changed

They met in 7th grade when in between passing periods. One girl had medium dark brown hair with brown eyes and the other had long light brown hair and hazel eyes. “Hi I’m Jasmine!” Said the first girl. The second girl shyly said “hi I’m Amelia.” After that day the girls became inseparable.

Junior high changed to high school and the girls were best friends and everyone knew they were best friends. They wouldn’t do anything without each other. They would walk to class together, eat lunch together, go to school dances, go out shopping, and go to the movies often. Teachers would make jokes if one of the girls were absent and they would ask where their other half was. It was like that for the whole four years.

Graduation came the girls cried and laughed but they knew everything would be fine because they both decided to go to the same college. College began and they had the time of their lives. They experienced their first piece of freedom and both of them used it fully. If they weren’t in class they were together studying. If they weren’t studying they were getting food and binge watching shows. Everything was how it had been for the past seven years and then suddenly things changed.

The girls weren’t girls anymore they were women now adults. They both started making different friends and slowly stopped hanging out as much. They started to argue about stupid stuff. They would make up but then the same thing would happen again. One day Jasmine realized that she did not have to do everything with Amelia and it was okay if they believed in different things or said different things. Amelia disagreed. She was angry that Jasmine would hangout with other people other than her and would start fights about why Jasmine would hangout with anyone but her.

One spring night Jasmine couldn’t take it anymore and ended the friendship. It ended bitterly. Both of them argued. Amelia was yelling while Jasmine remained calm but upset. Jasmine was shocked that it ended the way it did due to the fact they had been best friends for seven years. Jasmine knew she had to let go. She knew they were different people now and that was okay. Not being friends anymore made Jasmine question who she is. She realized she never did anything for herself and she only did what Amelia wanted to do. She was confused and lost. “Who is Jasmine?” Jasmine thought.

The years went by in college and Jasmine would occasionally pass Amelia around campus. Amelia would scowl but to Jasmine’s dismay it didn’t affect her like how it used to. For Jasmine was now a completely different person now comapred to when she was 18. She was a woman who spoke up for herself, more social, studied harder, viewed the world with an open mind, and most importantly she loved herself now. It took almost 6 months to accept Amelia was no longer in her life and a few more years to realize she was better off without her. For she cherished the memories she had with Anelia more than she enjoyed being friends with Amelia anymore.

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