It’s Not My Blood

There was a collective gasp of dread and concern. “I’m fine. It’s not my blood.” I grin at their horrified faces, jaws dropped with awe but mine, mine was smirking with pride.

The chill of the soft, warm blood soaked my hands and chest. Although gone I could still feel where the body had struggled underneath me, desperately trying to escape my grasp. They couldn’t, and they knew it. So why try? Oh but that was the best bit, watching them gasp for life, fighting to keep their breath. And the eyes. Oh the eyes as they bulged at you, the last thing they were to see. Betrayal. That’s what they were seeing, oh what a good feeling to be looked at with those beautiful, drowning eyes.

And as I stand now in the street in front of the cafe, eyes cower before me with fear. I grin feeling the lively blood journey down my calf, marking its path on my pearly, white trousers. They mutter, worried to one another but they don’t break eye contact with me.

I slowly step forward and watch them part, stumble away from the one they fear. It felt good. All this, for me and me only. I pace around the high street with the crowd shuffling behind me until I suddenly stop in my tracks where my mind clicks with my surroundings. I bend my knees and lay down on the cold, solid brick. I close my eyes and cast my mind back to the struggle I previously felt under me. Paradise, no but... Everything stops. Everything spins. It’s going cloudy and the world is muffled and there is screeching in my head. I gaze at the soft sheep grazing in the blue sky above me. The blue and red lights alternate. Maybe its a Party… for me? There are so many people with me, maybe it was a surprise party. How did I get here?

Black figures invade the blue field and violently grip my arm, pulling me up from the cool ground. One of them yell something at me, with a strong hand secured to my arms which are now wrenched behind my back as im forced to my feet. I’m confused.

The world comes back to me. Sudden. What? I was trapped, white box, silver chain… huh? Sirens blare above my head as my body shifts forward over a bump. I look down to find myself in a once white now red shirt, and my hands a crusty brick brown. Blood. The coppery scent flooded my lungs and made my stomach sick. Confused. Why am I here? What did I do? I don’t understand.

“Please!” I shouted through the small caged gap into the front of the police van “it’s not my blood.”

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