Worry and Excitement

Change comes in unexpected places, for some it happens as a new day starts, others as a gradual shift. But when you look back, you never saw it coming. I don’t recall the exact moment I became invisible but I won’t ever forget the first human interaction that occurred. I woke up next to my partner, as she suddenly got out of bed seemingly distressed.

Fear and anxiety immediately took hold of my heart. She anxious looked at me, and tentatively said my name.

I responded with a yawn and suddenly a mask of confusion overtook her face. Odd, I thought at the time. Her perspective must’ve been even stranger.

“Honey, where are you?” First she moved my sheet, quickly after she took a peak under the bed.

“I’m in bed? Is this some kind of prank?” I inquired

“I could ask you the same thing!” She seemed annoyed now, which upset me as well. Typical for her to reverse my question back to me. I took her hand and she jumped with fright immediately pulling her hand away and took a few quick steps back.

My brain immediately goes into damage control and I change my tone. “Hey… baby? Is everything all right? I’m right here don’t worry.”

“N-n-no no. You’re not, that’s the issue.” She was flabbergasted. Which quickly transferred to me.

I stayed silent for a moment too long trying to grapple with the situation. “You can’t see me?”

She shook her head in response.

“Not even my clothes?”

“Not a thing.”

“This is awesome! Oh my god, I always wanted to be invisible, think of the things I could do! We have to start testing this right away, first we’ll see if everything I touch turns invisible or if it floats, after that we can decide what the best course of action should be.” My head reeled with all the fun possibilities I just acquired.

“Maybe the best thing to do would be to visit a doctor?” She still sounded worried, but thankfully nothing felt physically wrong so I rightfully felt no aversion to my new condition.

“For such an avid reader, you should really know what they do with people like me. I do NOT want to go to a lab and be poked and prodded. Well, now that I think of it maybe they couldn’t even find me. Perhaps I’m still visible in infrared. Baby, we have to start trying stuff!”

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