Writing Prompt


Write a story about a person who suddenly gains the power of invisibility and must navigate the consequences.


The Invisibles

I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and for once could not see my self. That’s fine I wasn’t pretty or handsome any way. I went down stairs opened the fridge made my self toast and cereals I heard a scream a cup of tea smashed shattered into little pieces with a face as white as snow A ghost she screamed I shouted it’s me She said who’s me it’s me Ring on her mobile call the father oh lord Stared at my hands could not see my hands or my own body I realised I was invisible I thought this is so cool Then the door came in with father from the local church armed with cross trying to perform an exorcism I took the keys and quietly left through the front door I was laughing this was a joke My dog was outside I said come here buddy he stood bemused confused and started barking wildly. It was a pain she did not recognise me. She growled and bit my hand Looked down I could not see my hand but I could see droplets of blood on the floor I needed a bandage but how could I get medical treatment if nobody could see me I walked in pain to a local off license Cool I was invisible I could go and steal and nobody would notice May be I had the power to make objects I steal invisible I wondered. Went in through the automatic door Woman at the counter said that was a strong wind tried to heck if there was fault with the door Went down the isles Picked up some sterips and bandages ran like mad The security guard chased after me a small pair of bandages mysteriously suspended running away. It’s very lonely being invisible not being heard or even seen I need companionship One advantage you can spy on hot woman almost any where. I’m starting to lose my sanity I munched through a hot dog could see the food but. Not seeing the digestion of even chewing it I could be the best criminal mastermind the world has ever known No one would know me of my fame they cannot see me How do I let people know you are invisible News reporters came down to the store claims stolen by a ghost robbed at gunpoint by a ghost. I’m famous unseen I would live and die unknown unseen no loved ones or friends and die in infamy of obscurity a fate worse than solitary confinement existence .


I never thought I would gather the courage to do that. I never thought I had the words to announce that I was done and ready to leave. Perhaps I was a few short moments from being fired had I settled and accepted what many thought was my fate.

The look that stained Mildred’s face amused mine. Disbelief. He thought I could never do it. Stand up to him and do what I should have done long ago. A weight lifted from my back. A weight that I'd carried but was not mine to bear.

Walking down Mountain street feels different this time. It’s my last time walking in it, wearing this wretched unifrom. I never liked it. From my first day. The red and green just felt like too much of a contrast. Mostly because it was. The good members in Hallis Green were good. But the not so good were just that too.

As I make my way past the market stalls, the heavens start to trickle. The trickling turns to rain. The rain calls out with sudden booms. I usually find the nearest form of shelter when this happens, but today I twirl in the rain, sharing my enthusiasm for her.

I could do this for a while longer, but cinammon and vanilla pastries invade my nostrils, stimulating a rumble in my stomach. Now would be a great time to visit my favourite pastry shop on my last day at Hallis.

As I make my way to the door’s entrance, I enter…Without touching the door… Through the door. I whip my head back to ensure that there was no door and the entrance was in fact open. But there’s glass…And a door handle…And some new visitors grab it to open it…

It is now that I realise that my hand is not my hand. It’s…See through….

Too Much Power

Samantha had always been an ordinary person. She had a 9-5 job, a small apartment in the city, and a few close friends. But one day, everything changed. She woke up to find that she had gained the power of invisibility.

At first, Samantha was thrilled with her newfound ability. She could sneak around undetected, listen in on private conversations, and explore places she had never been before. But soon, she realized that her power came with consequences.

She started using her invisibility to spy on her coworkers and listen in on their conversations. She discovered secrets she never wanted to know and heard gossip that made her feel uncomfortable. She tried to resist the urge to eavesdrop, but the temptation was too strong.

One day, Samantha overheard a conversation between her boss and a coworker about a plan to fire several employees. She knew she had to do something to stop it, but she didn't know how. She couldn't reveal her powers, or she would risk losing her job and possibly facing legal consequences.

So, Samantha decided to take matters into her own hands. She started leaving anonymous notes for her boss, warning him about the consequences of his actions. At first, he ignored them, but as the notes continued, he started to take notice.

Eventually, Samantha's boss realized that he was making a mistake and called off the layoffs. He didn't know who had been sending the notes, but he was grateful for the warning.

Samantha realized that her invisibility could be used for good. She started using her powers to help others, sneaking around and doing small acts of kindness without being seen. She helped an elderly woman carry her groceries, picked up trash in the park, and even stopped a thief from stealing a purse.

But as time went on, Samantha realized that her invisibility had a dark side. She started to feel isolated and disconnected from the world around her. She couldn't form meaningful relationships or connect with others because she was always hiding.

In the end, Samantha decided to give up her powers. She knew that they had brought her both joy and pain, but she realized that she couldn't live her life in hiding forever. She wanted to be seen and heard, even if it meant giving up her powers.

Samantha may have lost her invisibility, but she gained something much more valuable - a sense of belonging and a connection to the world around her.

The Invisible Consequences: A Tale of Unforeseen Power"

Sarah had always felt like an outsider. She had a few close friends, but mostly kept to herself. She was the kind of person who would rather sit in the back of the classroom and observe than participate in group activities. That all changed one day when she woke up with the power of invisibility.

At first, Sarah was thrilled with her new ability. She could go anywhere and do anything without being seen. She could eavesdrop on conversations, sneak into movies for free, and even steal things if she wanted to. But as time went on, Sarah realized that being invisible wasn't as fun as it seemed.

For one thing, she couldn't turn off her invisibility. It was like a switch had been flipped in her brain, and she was always invisible. She had to be careful not to bump into people or knock things over, because she couldn't see herself either. It was like walking through life with a blindfold on.

The other thing Sarah soon discovered was that people treated her differently when she was invisible. At first, she enjoyed the feeling of being invisible, but as time went on, she realized that people were ignoring her. She would try to speak to someone and they wouldn't even acknowledge her presence. It was like she didn't exist.

Sarah started to feel lonely and isolated. She missed the connections she used to have with other people. She missed being able to laugh and joke with her friends. She tried to explain what was happening to her, but no one believed her. They just thought she was going through a phase.

As time went on, Sarah became more and more withdrawn. She stopped going to school and stopped seeing her friends. She spent most of her time hiding in her room, trying to figure out how to turn off her invisibility.

One day, Sarah decided to go for a walk. She knew it was risky, but she was desperate to feel like a real person again. As she walked through the park, she saw a group of kids playing basketball. She watched for a few minutes, and then something inside her snapped.

Without thinking, Sarah ran onto the court and grabbed the ball. The kids were startled and looked around, trying to figure out where the ball had gone. Sarah dribbled the ball and made a basket. The kids were amazed and started cheering.

For the first time in a long time, Sarah felt alive. She felt like she was part of something again. She played with the kids for hours, laughing and joking like she used to. When the sun started to set, the kids started to head home. Sarah walked home feeling exhausted but happy.

The next day, Sarah woke up and realized that she was visible again. She wasn't sure how it had happened, but she was glad. She got dressed and went to school, feeling nervous but hopeful.

When she arrived at school, her friends were waiting for her. They hugged her and asked her where she had been. Sarah smiled and told them about her adventure the day before. Her friends were amazed and thrilled for her.

From that day on, Sarah was a different person. She was more confident and outgoing, and she made new friends. She knew that the power of invisibility had changed her life, but she was glad for the experience. She knew that she could handle anything that came her way, because she had already survived being invisible.

The Wish

I was six years old in the summer of 1991, that was the summer of “The Wish.”

I’m the youngest of four children and very curious by nature. I’m also a real people person so I don’t really like to be alone. I woke up early in the morning one Saturday, so I got up to see who else was awake. I heard some commotion in my mom and dad’s room so I checked in on them. (Later that morning my mom and dad told me that I should always knock when entering a room. I told them that I did knock, I just knocked at the exact same time that I shoved open their door.) I’ve never heard my mom screech so loudly followed by my dad barking at me to, GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE! At least I think he said “heck.” Dad waved one hand at me while he was doing one arm push ups over my mom. I’m not sure why they were so upset and it really freaked me out.

Running from their room, I realized that I had to pee so I went into the bathroom. Because of everything that I just witnessed I was a little distracted and didn’t notice that somebody was in the shower. So I stood there, doing my business while whistling to myself when I heard another scream from behind me. My sister’s head poked out from behind the shower curtain. “GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE! Once again I’m pretty sure she said “heck.” I told her that I needed to flush but she threw her shampoo bottle at me, so I bolted from there.

I was so flustered that I ran straight into my brother’s room. He had a couple friends with him for a sleepover. Whatever they were talking about immediately stopped. My red faced brother screamed at me, “GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!” Only this this time I know that he didn’t say “heck.”

Why is everybody so mean in this house?

Later that afternoon we piled into our minivan to go to the carnival. I love the carnival and every time I’m there I find the wishing booth. I put a nickel into it, make a wish and flip a little lever. If it lights a flame, I get my wish. It has never lit for me. I wished that I could become invisible (to see what all the fuss was about at home), and flipped the lever. BINGO! IT LIT!

I went right to bed when we got home and set my alarm so I could get up early again. Morning came and I jumped out of bed, looked into the mirror, and said, “I want to be invisible.” And POOF, I was gone. WOW, IT WORKED!

As I left my room I heard the shower going so I crept into the bathroom and heard my sister humming in the shower, she turned off the water and flung open the shower curtain. What I saw nearly blinded me! Now, I knew she was a girl and all, but I really didn’t know what that meant exactly. She had bumps on her chest and, get this, SHE HAD NO WIENER! My mind was blown so I cowered in the corner until she left the room. After that I heard the same noises as the day before coming from my parent’s room and I really wanted to see what that was all about. I slowly and silently slipped into their room and this time Mom was on top of Dad and telling him how naughty he was. They were both giggling. Well it started out as giggling, and then it looked like they were both in agony. And then the covers fell off of my mom’s shoulders and I saw that they were both naked and my mom looked just like my sister! AHHHHH! What is going on here, do I live with aliens?

As I ran down the hallway I heard voices in my brother’s room so I snuck in. They were all still their beds, having a farting contest and laughing. “Whew!” I thought, “At least someone in this family is normal.”

I went back into my room, stared into the mirror and pleaded, “I want to be visible again.” And I was, but what I had seen would haunt me all year, until I could go back to the carnival to take back my wish.

Tiffany Blue

The love seat was Tiffany blue. Ellie loved the color Tiffany blue. It made her think of Audrey Hepburn and long black gloves. Unfortunately the love seat was in that thick hospital pleather. The doctor’s office was nicely decorated in shades of soothing grays and creams with splashes of blue, all designed to make people comfortable. Ellie was very comfortable. Bouncing lightly on the furry throw pillows, Ellie made herself comfortable on the loveseat. She smoothed her hospital gown wishing she had her skinny jeans, wishing she hadn’t wiped the social worker before she got an overnight bag. Ellie examined her nails. The monitor on the therapist’s desk flickered awake. On the screen, a moonfaced woman smiled at Ellie. Since Ellie was tranquillized and taken to the hospital she hadn’t seen my smiles. True facts, she hadn’t seen many faces. Her parents and sister never came to visit. There were no get well cards or boxes of candy. She knew she was kind of to blame because she made people phase out. It had started three weeks ago. Mrs. Pembroke the vice principal was saying the same old same old about being late and unprepared for class like anybody cared. Ellie wished her away and Mrs. Pembroke was gone. There was the smell of burnt popcorn and a staticky pop and Vice Principal Pembroke was a translucent figure. Pembroke was still speaking, her voice growing softer and softer like an echo. Ellie could see Van Gogh’s Starry Night print right through her. Ellie screamed. The school secretary rushed in just as what ever was left of Mrs. Pembroke disappeared. Ellie was taken to a police station. There were police officers and detectives and social workers. No one believed her. Ellie had gotten so sick and tired the same question, she had wiped out another seven people. You knew this hospital wasn’t a place to get well. She was being monitored. They hoped to manage her. Ellie giggled to herself. “Hello, Eleanor, I’m Dr. Melina Grayson. You can call me Mel. May I call you Ellie?” The moonfaced lady said from the screen. After years of therapy, family therapy, special Ed classes, and one on one tutoring, Ellie knew the drill. People were always trying to control her. But Ellie was no one’s slave. Appearing bored, Ellie schooled her features to be blank. Ellie looked up slightly at nothing at all. The therapist fell for it. “As c’mon meet me half way. Eleanor is a lovely name and Ellie is fun and cute too. Let me which is your favorite.” Dr. Grayson cocked her head to the side like a playful dog. Ellie watched the doctor closely. She could see the therapist’s smile did reach her eyes.” Ellie recognized the fear beneath the therapist’s smile. No one knew how deep her powers ran, yet she was too valuable to destroy. An innocent smile grew across the young girl’s face. “Call me El. I like your office. It’s pretty like you.”