Quick Night Post

A late rottmnt movie anniversary gift aka I edited some OCS into the end aka some of these events never happened.

Now I promise no more rottmnt fics after this, I know you're tired of them😂



Leo swiped his swords through the air for Raph. Raph ran through it and reached their falling brothers.

"Gotcha. Don't worry Donnie!" he shouted, wrapping his arms around them. "This isn't a hug. It's a rescue!"

They all groaned as they hit the ground and sat up among the rubble.

"Where are we? Staten Island?" Raph looked around.

"Oh, gross." Donnie shuddered. "So how would everyone rate _that_ rescue experience? Unsatisfied? Very unsatisfied? Wish Donnie would've done it? Um-hum?" he fell backward.

"Donnie, Mikey, Raph!" Saki suddenly shouted.

She and her sisters ran toward the brothers.

"Where's Leo?" Kaede demanded.

"He's still up there with the Krang." Raph replied.

Kaede widened and closed her eyes, getting down and hitting her fist on the ground. "Shit." she looked up.

Saki and the two others got by their turtles. They all looked up to where Leo was with Kaede.

There was a beat of silence before Leo's voice came crackily from Raph's communicator.

"Casey. Casey, come in." Leo said.

"Sensei, I'm here." Casey said back. "And I've got eyes on the key."

Kaede stood back up and braced herself. For what, she wasn't sure.

"Tell me when you're home free and I'll pull the plug." Casey continued.

Another beat of silence. Kaede kept her eyes on where Leo should be. A thought suddenly entered her head.

She took a few steps back. "Oh my God."

"Casey, listen to me." Leo's voice commanded. "When I get to the other side, you close that door."

Kaede thought she couldn't breathe. Her worst fear had just come true in that sentence. She broke down and curled into herself.

"What? Sensei, no!" Casey shouted.

"Casey, it's the only way. He's too strong. He's not gonna stay on the other side unless I keep him there." Leo explained.

"There has to be another way!" Casey sounded almost as broken as Kaede was.

Raph walked a little away from everyone before turning back.

"We tried everything, Case. This is the only way." Leo said.

"Leo, please don't do this! Leo!" Raph cried.

Leo chuckled a little. "You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your style."

Kaede looked up at that. "Of course he calls this a fucking hero move." she said loud enough for everyone else to hear.

Leo goes quiet. Raph turns back to the huge thing in the sky. Eventually Casey breaks the silence.

"Leo, please! I can't loose you again." Casey pleaded.

"Hey, future me would be real proud of you. I'm proud of you." Leo said.

More silence. Kaede couldn't take any more of it. She got up and made her way closer to the edge of the island. She was just about ready to jump in when Tomio stopped her.

"It's not worth it." Tomio whispered. "He's doing this for us, Kaede. You can't stop people who decide this."

Kaede struggled against Tomio. "I at least have to try! Please, just let me do this!"

Raph joined Tomio in holding her back. "He's made his decision."

Kaede sagged in defeat and let herself be pulled back.

Leo's voice crackled again. "Casey, close the portal now!"

Kaede whimpered. Saki and Ko hugged her tightly.

"Casey, please." Leo said.

Kaede sobbed. She leane, but enough so she could still see the sky. This was it. They watched the portal close and explode. Her tears stopped and a laugh escaped her instead.

"Shit." she lifted her head to the sky above her. "He's actually fucking gone. He actually did it."

Saki and Ko squeezed tighter. Tomio kneeled by Raph as he fell and cried. Donnie stood nearby, his own tears falling he had to check to make sure were real.

Mikey stood about a foot away. He raised his arms and held them in front of him. When nothing appeared, his tears stained the ground in front of him.

Raph got up slowly. "Mikey, it's over." he whispered.

"Leo never gave up on us." Mikey turned toward his oldest brother. I'm not giving up on him." he turned back.

Golden sparks started crackling along the box turtle's arms. Saki and Ko gasped. Ko put her hand on Kaede's head and forced it down. Kaede gasped too. Tomio watched in awe. New sparks appeared in front of Mikey that only grew bigger.

"Woah. Mikey, whatever you're doing, don't stop!" Raph and Donnie rushed toward his sides and put their hands on his shoulders.

Mikey glanced at them both.

"We're here, Mikey. Together." Raph said.

They focused on the forming portal with determined faces. Cracks spread over all their arms, but they didn't seem to notice. Raph and Donnie's ninpo crackled and forced more power through Mikey into the portal.

Leo turned over and reached for the portal. Donnie, Mikey, and Raph looked at him with shock.

"Took you guys long enough." Leo said.

Kaede widened her eyes at his familiar voice. Mikey actually did it!

Raph moved his arm back, made his red ninpo around it, and brought it back, grabbing Leo's hand with it. He started pulling back when the Krang appeared and reached for Leo to pull him back. Donnie got his bo and used his ninpo to form a drill at the end, firing it at the Krang.

It made contact and pushed the Krang far enough away. Raph yanked Leo that rest of the way through the portal. Mikey made sure he was out then laughed toward the Krang and closed the portal.

"Ew, are we on Staten Island?" Leo asked.

His brothers all crowded around him. Saki and Ko helped Kaede up. Kaede half-stumbled her way over to Leo. His brothers respectfully moved away. She fell on her knees beside him.

"Leo..." she whispered.

"Kaede." he said back.

She leaned over and pressed her head into the chest. "Don't you ever fucking do something like that again."

"No promises." he chuckled.

She raised her head and stared deep into his eyes. "I'm serious."

"Yeah, I know." Leo whispered.

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