
My bones caught the chill, and I felt my quill still.

It was then, that I noticed the frosted window sill.

You had gone, and left my window wide open. Letting in the chilly November breeze that should have brought me to my knees. It had come steal my words unspoken.

The last autumn leaf fell, then chilly November turned into a brutal, and dreary December. It wasn’t until the ice on my quill, and the winter winds loud shrill, that I knew I should surrender, but my mind wouldn’t still.

I put on my bed clothes, stumbling in the soft candle light hue, trying to ignore your shadows as they arose in plain view. I rested my quill on the same blank page. I knew if I remained stuck in this cage, despite all my might, there would be nothing to write.

Looking out the window, I saw a green light in the night, and I knew something was not quite right.

The sob caught in my throat, as I tried not to choke. When the window wouldn’t close, it was then I knew this wasn’t a hoax.

Your silent diparture has lamented me nonstop.

I climbed the window ledge, let this be my tormented revenge!

Knock, knock, knock, my body jumped in shock.

The clock alarmed at 12 o’clock sharp.

Your shadows were clouding my head, lips cherry red, with tears of grief splattered on my bed, I didn’t want to be alive if you were dead.

Ready to disembark, I felt my quill begin to slip. Knuckles white, I tightened my grip. A scream came from my ribs to my lips. With a SNAP and a CRACK, my quill smacked on the ground. That’s when I knew, this unfortunate sad truth.

I would never leave my mark.

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