Submitted by Margarita Blimm

"So, who’s going to die today?"

Write a story that begins with this question.


“So, who’s going to die today?” I say out loud. It is early in the morning, the sun is out, the birds chirping, and they are roaming the ground. The roof building that I’m on is one of the few that hasn’t been invaded yet and I like to keep it that way.

“It’s way too early for you to be talking babe, go back to sleep.” My boyfriend half yells, half whispers to me. He’s inside our tent, getting all the sleep possible for the busy day ahead today.

I roll my eyes, looking back down at the view infornt of me. Guessing by how the sun is just now rising it could be five, maybe six in the morning but I have no clue. I gloss over the trashed roads around me trying to find Billy but he’s nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, I do see King walking around as if he owns the wrecked place. The window to stores nearby are shattered, cars are squished and the streets are filled with them.

“He’s right, you know. You should get some sleep, I have a plan on what we should do next today.” I jump form my spot on the ledge, clutching my heart and my mouth so I don’t attract attention. My eyes darted up to Blair, glaring at her. “You just scared the shit out of me,” I snapped. She snuck up behind me for the first time today, definitely won't be the last.

“Sorry,” she giggles. She looks down like I was doing earlier and frowns. “It’s getting worse and worse down there… who’s done for now?” We have placed bets on who will survive the week while we look for a new supply of food. My bet was for Billy but I can’t seem to find him. Blair was betting on Romeo while her best friend was rooting for Noa. Mark was betting on King. Everyone had chosen someone and named them so they could cheer for them.

“I can’t find Billy,” I whine to Blair. She laughs as we both hear a way too enthusiastic ‘YES’ from Mark. I laugh as well not just from Mark but at the pillow that was launched from Riley and Tristen hitting Blair in the back of her Knees making her fall to the ground.

“Shut up, can’t you see some of us are trying to sleep,” Tristens voice comes from his shared tent. I cover my mouth at the state Blair is in but apologize to the others as well.

“Hey everyone! Good morning, time to get up,” comes Brooks' voice from way back where the entrance to the roof is. I hear a loud groan from Tristen then some shuffling. You could hear Riley laughing about something. If I could guess it is probably about how Tristen didn’t get enough sleep, he might even get punched if he keeps that up. Brook is now closer and notices me and Blair at the ledge, smiling at what probably is less people to wake up.

“So who won?” Brook asks, they placed their bet on Viv. Signing about the outcome so far I answer, “King is winning, he’s the only one I see right now.”

The next words I hear are completely opposite. “FUCK YES!” “HELL NO!” The boys rush out of their tents, Tristen suddenly wide awake. “Why Charlie, Why” Tristen fake sobs as he joins me at the ledge. We all laugh at Tristen, ignoring how we all owe Mark something now.

“So who’s making breakfast?” Marks asks. We all glance at each other, deciding on who should take the fall. All of us come up with the same answer.


“Thanks guys”

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