Figures Approaches

Figures approaches,

From Left and right.

Nobody would believe me,

Till they see what I see.

Figures approaching,

Closer and closer.

From left and right,

Till I see them near.

I wanted to ran,

I should have ran,

I should have yelled,

For the help of my god.


I remained calm.

In fact, I was scared.

To the death of me awaits.

Waiting. In terror.

For the death that that I awaits.

They have finally came.

From the long hiding beneath.

Shadows are their protector.

Unfortunately, not for me.

Nobody will come and save me,

For the love of my god.

Save me or will not.

I shall die by them.

Figures approaches,

From left and right.

Larking around the shadow,

While I awaits my death. Hopelessly.

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