My Heart Is An Adventurer

I do not yearn to be in any place long enough to establish roots

If grass grows beneath my feet, I have failed myself

My heart is a wanderer and I must obey her wishes

To wake to the song of birds in a golden autumn forest

To be lulled to sleep to the lullaby of waves crashing on a white sand beach

To sit on mountain tops, taking everything in, and to explore their valley’s and the treasures they hold

I have to see the tide come in on one rocky shore, and out on another

There is a deep need to sit on a bustling city park bench, watching people rush by, wondering where they are headed

I must stroll slowly down a sleepy towns Main Street, looking in all the windows of the small, local shops

I need to stand in the places where they stood, the leaders of the past, the ones who shaped our today and know I am wholly unworthy

I yearn to try the local cuisine

Love is shown through food and I must experience it

I want to dance to unfamiliar music in city squares

I want to see the ruins of the old civilizations, learn the reason for the fall

I must try to bridge the gap, let the world teach me

I will not stop until I’ve seen the bright, shining rays of sunshine peak up over every destination, starting the day

I will not be satisfied until I know what these places look like at sunset, and under the light of a full moon

I cannot stop until I’ve lived a thousand lives, and when I am gone, throw my ashes to the wind, let it carry me to new places, let my journey continue

My heart is an adventurer, and she will never be satisfied

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