Enticing. Subtle. Disconnect.
Use these three words to describe a room, or indoor setting. You don't have to include the words, but the description should be connected to them.
The Door
The colorful stained glass framed by rich, dark wood gave the door a slight whimsical feel. I approached hesitantly, unsure if I should knock on the delicate glass. There didn’t seem to be a doorbell or knocker, so instead I decided to reach for the brass doorknob and as I slowly opened the door, I softly called out, “Hello? Is anyone here?”.
A subtle smell of mold hit my nostrils, as my eyes adjusted to the soft, cool darkness within. I tentatively stepped foot inside, and as I closed the door behind me, I was engulfed by silence. I glanced around, taking in the grandiosity of the foyer. Tall ceilings framed by ornate roses carved into the wood moldings greeted me as I stepped forward, the clacking of my heels against the white marble floor echoing loudly throughout the still house.
In the middle of the room, a sweeping staircase led up to the second floor, and beyond that, a soft light emitted from a room in the back. The small orange glow enticed and beckoned for me to investigate, and although a knot of anxiety was growing in my stomach, I couldn’t quell the urge to further explore this beautiful, mysterious home.
A fleeting sense of guilt swirled inside me, but I quickly pushed it away, allowing my curiosity to disconnect my mind from my feelings of trepidation. I just had to know what lay beyond, the light from the room in the back like a beacon calling to me.
My feet left footsteps on the dusty floor, it was clear no one had walked through here in a long time. As I continued waking down the hall, I passed the parlor on my left, which was still furnished but someone had covered the belongings with white sheets, making them appear like misshapen ghosts. Small cobwebs inhabited the corners, the spiders unmoving as I slowly passed.
The light grew brighter as I approached, and my eyes squinted, adjusting again to the change. Long shadows danced on the walls.
The dark wood door was cracked and I placed my hand on it and pushed it open gingerly. The hinges squeaked loudly in protest, and I felt a cold chill and shivered as I saw what was waiting on the other side. It had been waiting for me.