Create a description of a character inspired by these words. You do not have to use the words exactly, but it should be obvious how they have influenced the description.
Pt. 2
(Slyder’s prospective)
They never trust a Nomad.
I sighed while I carefully picked ten perfectly round potatoes and placed them in my bag.
“Sly, the recipe calls for eleven” Fyn announced glancing into the bag.
“No! Eleven is too much ten is just perfect” I said annoyed. The giant, Fyn rolled his eyes.
“You and everything being perfect” he muttered. I ignored his comment and continued picking various items and placing only the best and most perfect looking in my bag. The overcast weather this evening did nicely to hide us in the shadows of the market. Never trust a nomad they all say. I did carefully to hide my drown scales and coal-colored horns that bent around to my ear like a goat. Humans never took kindly to beasts I thought placing a juicy looking onion in my bag.
“Thief!” My head spun to find a guard pointing and yelling at us. This is why I hated this kingdom. No matter what you did, if you where a beast, a nomad, or anything else else unpleasant to the eye we were cast out like animals.
“We should probably go, Sly” Fyn said getting ready to bolt when I did.
“Good eye mate” I followed my companion through the streets dodging guards and common folk. But this was why being nomads was so fun.
Fyn did all the chopping, which he always did since I hated getting my hands dirty. I read the recipe for the forth time making sure we had everything.
“This’ll be the best yet Fynnie. I said excitedly storing a pot or boiling water with fruits and fresh vegetables all cut neatly into perfect sized cubes. That’s when I spotted it. A potato cut to large, I spooned it out quickly and threw it away.
“I would have eaten that Sly” Fyn said in annoyance.
“Nonsense!” The soup had to be perfect, beyond perfect it had to exceed everything else that would be presented tonight. I took out measuring cups and put in salt and other seasonings. Than tasted it with a spoon.
“More potatoes and perhaps another onion, but the long ones not the round” I said excitedly.
“Coming right up!” Fyn said with pleasure. I didn’t need anything else, I didn’t want anything else, my life was perfect, with Fyn around and are perfect soup. Maybe, just maybe I could show the world I was worthy of having my own restaurant.
Nervousness plagued my stomach, going out in public was just too difficult these days, especially now that I’m the most wanted person in the kingdom. I repositioned the mask for the one hundredth time. I followed closely behind Dante, who also wore a mask. We had bought them off some hybrid foxes. I stuffed my hands in my pockets last night had left me sleepless. Thinking about all the events leading up to now. I wish I could remember everything. I knew Dante did but the huge scar on his back told me to keep quiet. Like all the scars he had I was sure I was the one who had made them. Stumbling into the streets of Dalium we noticed a sort of event taking place. The smell of soup filled my nostrils, and hunger possessed my body and mind. Before I realized what I was doing was speedily walking in that direction. It must have been a contest, several soups where placed on a table and passerby’s would taste test and leave a vote. I got in line, my stomach roaring. I took a small bowl-too small- and spooned soup into it. I front of the pot of soup stood two strange looking people. One very large and tell, his buzz cut hair complimenting his strong jaw line. The other a lizard of a sort with brown scales and pretty blonde hair, horns that twisted like a cinnamon bun. They watched nervously as I took my mask off to taste the soup. It was wonderful. The my taste buds danced to a song of glee. I had never tasted something so incredible in all the days in the palace. I spooned some more into my bowl when a hand firmly gripped my arm. I looked up to see a caste guards.
“Murderer!” He screamed. I ripped away from his grip and ducked under the table. The guard flipped the table with ease spilling all the soups. The lizard girl let out a cry of anguish, I really did feel bad. The guard really didn’t have to be so dramatic in flipping the table. Sword drawn the castle guard got ready to pierce me through the heart when Dante came crashing through. With the elegance of a knight he pared the guards powerful lunges. I slipped the mask back on, jumping over the table and running into- the lizard girl? She still looked stunned by her precision soups scattered to the floor of the kingdoms streets. A few more guards came running at us, now yelling at the lizard and giant too. The four of us bolted away all four being caught up in a mess they hadn’t been apart of. Except perhaps me. Who was probably actually a murderer even though I fiercely denied it.