
I have a lot of things in life;

a guitar, my friends, a few people who like my music..

but there's one thing that I don't have.

Your heart.

You sit just a few feet away and yet you feel so out of reach.

We're polar opposites, yet broken magnets that repel instead of attract.

Your eyes captivate me with one look, yet when I reach out you seem to disappear.

I'm left wondering if maybe you'd like me if I weren't...


maybe, if i sat beside you in that broken church, full of people that preach what they themselves cannot do, then your heart wouldn't be as unattainable as it is.

But I refuse to worship a god that has not earned my respect.

Creating people and abandoning them to suffer does not deem you someone worthy of prayers.


So i'll just sit here, waiting for the day I can reach your heart.

The day you stop trust-falling into arms that won't catch you.

Because I will.

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