
I remember when I first got released from the hospital, I was trying everything in my power to get better, as you can tell from this video.

I can honestly say that this brain injury (TBI) has saved my life! Both literally and figuratively. I think back to before the accident, and I remember talking to my then bf about going to college, getting our own place, getting married, having kids, etc. All the while, I was smoking meth.

That was then but now though, Iā€™m WAY busier than I wouldā€™ve been had this accident NOT happen to me. (& I havenā€™t done bad drugs in over a decade)

Iā€™m currently working two jobs, going to school, practicing yoga, keeping up with daily chores, etc.

Itā€™s tough, but I wouldnā€™t want it any other way.


What Iā€™m trying to get across is, if YOU have had a life changing event and you want to really ā€˜liveā€™ life, Iā€™d say, ā€œDonā€™t be worried of what people say or how other people see you. YOU are perfectly made and thereā€™s always a purpose to His madness

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