“What is that?”, asks a boy named David to his group of friends. He was wondering of this unique shape of a smoking device. This day, they decided to ditch school and go to one of their houses to drink. As they were inspecting the smoking device, the parent walks in. Notices that the teenagers found a piece of his smoking equipment.
I remember when I first got released from the hospital, I was trying everything in my power to get better, as you can tell from this video.
I can honestly say that this brain injury (TBI) has saved my life! Both literally and figuratively. I think back to before the accident, and I remember talking to my then bf about going to college, getting our own place, getting married, having kids, etc. All the while, I was smoking meth.
That was then but now though, I’m WAY busier than I would’ve been had this accident NOT happen to me. (& I haven’t done bad drugs in over a decade)
I’m currently working two jobs, going to school, practicing yoga, keeping up with daily chores, etc. It’s tough, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
What I’m trying to get across is, if YOU have had a life changing event and you want to really ‘live’ life, I’d say, “Don’t be worried of what people say or how other people see you. YOU are perfectly made and there’s always a purpose to His madness
Writing for the judge:
It wasn’t until my parents got their divorce that my life ultimately changed. I remember the first night I met him, my biological father. I remember meeting him at some golf place. We talked, played golf, and socialized with one another. After that first initial meetup we all started hanging out more and more. The kids, my parents. Eventually, I explained to him of the sexual abuse happening at home and the drugs that were being offered to me by the brothers of my mom's ex. He took me to the police station to file a report on the sexual abuse. Sometime after that, he convinced me to bring a meth pipe to his house. So, I did.
Fast forward to the time he got pulled over for speeding. The police was in his vehicle, when he told me to open my backpack and not look. So, I obliged.
That evening after work, he picked me up. We had dinner and watched a movie. Went to sleep shortly after that, but then he woke me up. He took me to the living room where he pulled out the meth pipe he was planning to hide in my backpack earlier that day. He takes a few hits, blows it in my face, and offers me some which, with hesitation, I took a hit and ultimately was hooked. That's all it takes, ONE hit.