Write about a typical day in a world where happiness has been outlawed.

Think about how and why this world would operate, and consider a character's daily life here.

Perished Bliss

“Why are you never happy anymore?” A sad girl at my side whined dolefully. I looked up at her sharply and clapped my hand over her small mouth. Then I glanced over my surroundings, assuring myself that no one was near. “Happy?” I questioned as if I had never even heard of the word. “Yes, you used to smile and laugh and tell us children stories. You are different now.” The child bowed her head sadly as she said these things. She was right. I knew this. But if she only knew the reason, she would understand. I had not been like this for long, only since “The Order”. This order was created by our despised commander, Laklan Corisant. It was a greatly foolish order, for it seized the only thing that kept the captives alive. Their happiness. They had all had it, no matter what they were going through, and it showed itself with a smile, embrace, compliment, or even a single nod of the head. The people here lived by happiness. And then it was forbidden. A throbbing shock to all residents. But it was not this that immensely bothered me. It was the thought that, never again, I would have the joy of smiling. For that, is what happiness shows itself through, and I was so extremely happy then. I had so much to show.

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