I Love You

**I love you, Loving like the moon and stars. I hope you love me too. Always together despite the physical far. Kissing you like the water to the shore. Reflecting your light like the moon to the sun. The muse and the artist **

**I do, was that real. Or just the effects of her own life. Our death of love accompanied with hers. Was this all planned? **



**I love you too, like a father does to a good food. what once was, is simply a was. Perhaps if it wasn’t for our fate already written out for us we would have made it. But my dear, we are human. Without choice we are nothing but a embodiment of meekness.**



**I love you daddy please come home, since that golden day mommy hasn’t been the same. She sits at her desk always writing. She never talks to me any more, her room is a pit of tears and broken trees, ink smudged below her eyes, and her surrenederd work to finish the family puzzle. Please come back daddy. **

**-Rosella **



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