Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

The forgotten lover

Where do I go when I leave someone I love with all my heart and soul. Will they find someone else who loves them? It can never be the same love I have for him and I know it but does he?

I will relive our shared moments in dreams until they fade."

I will forever remember the time we had shared even though there wasn't many. I will always forgive and remember you.

I've done way to far damage on the ones I love and furthermore there will be no more.

I continue to write my deeping words onto this paper In front of me and out all of my heartfelt moments so they can see what I felt.

As I finish up the last word on the piece of paper I set down my pen and paper and do what has to be done..

I walk to my medicine cabinet and take out what i think fits this moment of my life

I walk to my bedside table and grab some water and look at the pills in my hand.

I raise the hand with the pills and pore them into my mouth and take a bit sip of water and I savor the feeling going down my throat.

I take the pills to make me feel nothing left and lay in my bed and wait for my savior to take me to a peaceful land where there is no more pain to be had and no more souls to be hurt.

I start to close my eyes and drift off I start to feel the sweetness of the pressure lifting off my body and I start to feel no pain.

I'm putting away all the hurt I have left on the people dearest to me and I punish myself.

I can't live this way, I thought to myself as I felt more and more at ease.

Will he remember me or will he move on I wonder as I continue to feel more and more feelings I have never felt before

These feelings are what I have been longing for a long time now.

When he finds me in my bed peacefully laying there without a sound in sight.

He sees a note and reads it with eyes filled with tears.

He looks up at her while reading the last sentence of that note that says

"I will forever love you my dear but it was my time to go."

Love your forgotten lover~

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