Create a story that centres around a set of twins.
Think about how their similarities or differences can drive something interesting in your plot.
the sun and the moon
For as long as I could remember my dad changed into a wolf under every moon. It was quite the site to see until finally I became of age and it happened to me. It was as if the world became this brand new place; the sights, the smells, the tastes were all different. They were more pronounced. You could appreciate them better.
It wasn't until my first transformation that I felt it either; The pull. I had this intense desire to follow it, give into it completely. I needed to see where it was going to take me. So when my father went out, I gave in. I followed it and left the compound.
I became my wolf self and traveled all through the night. To my surprise once daylight came I was still a wolf. I didn't transition back.
"What's wrong with me?" I thought to myself but I kept going. The pull was only getting stronger, I had to be getting close. That's when I saw her. She had my face but her hair was longer. Still, she looked just like me.
With a little bit of focus I became my human self again. I had to know her.
"Hey!" I shouted after her and she turned around with a shocked expression on her face.
"Hey." She said as she hesitatingly walked in my direction. "Do I know you?
"No, but as strange as it sounds I was drawn to you."
"Like a pull?"
"Did you feel it to?"
"I did, as soon as I turned 16."
"Me too, I turned 16..."
"Two days ago." We said in unison and just stared at each other.
"I'm moon." I said to her.
"I'm Sunny, and I think we should go find my mom." She said to me.
I followed her, still in awe of whatever it was that was happening. Her house was small, much like mine and my fathers at the compound. There was a woman on the porch. She looked so familiar to me. Like an older version of me. I didn't have a mother. Well, of course I had one. I just never knew her. Could this woman be her?
As we approached the porch we caught the woman's attention. Her jaw dropped and then she started crying.
"Are you okay?" I said to her, now standing in front of her face.
"My Moon." She said through her tears, cupping my face in her hands.
"Your Moon? Mom?" I said, a single tear rolling down my cheek.
"I never thought this moment would happen, come inside." She said to me, a dragged me inside.
Sunny and I just kept staring at each other. I couldn't believe I had a sister, much less a twin. We sat their as our mother pulled out a photo album. In it were tons and tons of pictures of us with her in the hospital. And there he was too, my father. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Why didn't we stay together?" I asked her.
"Oh honey, your father and I were never together. We had a one night stand that resulted in the two of you. He supported me throughout the whole pregnancy and when you girls were born we made the decision to each keep one of you. It was a tough decision but it is what worked for us."
"I see." I said.
"How did you decide who went with who? What made her more worthy to go with Dad, and me you?" Sunny said.
"No one was more worthy. It isn't like that, wasn't. She has the mark of her father a moon on her thigh. You have the mark of me, half a sun above your ankle."
We continued our conversation for what seemed like an eternity. Then the darkness came and I wanted to see if Sunny could do what I could.
"Could you come with me outside?" I said to Sunny.
She followed me out. "Can you do this too?" I asked as I took a deep breath and turned into my wolf form.
She laughed and the she took a deep breath in and became a hawk. Then another breath and she became a deer. Then finally another breath and she was herself again.
I followed suit and took a deep breath and returned to my human form.
"I thought we were wolves? My dad is only ever a wolf." I said to her.
"No, not wolves. Even though we can be if we want to. We're morphs." She said back to me.
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