Inspired by Emira
Two people from warring kingdoms have fallen in love.
If you've ever wanted to write your own take on a classic romance trope, now's your chance. Which elements of this genre will you explore to make your story unique?
Life and Death
sj doesn't know how it all came to be. how he managed to fall face first for jk.
he grew up knowing his job. his father had raised him as a replacement, and he knew, was aware of it. didn't question it. death was meant to be a cruel man, and sj had tried to play the part. he'd made the pact, let his father go, and took his place with as much pride as his bounded soul allowed.
but jk- jk was naive when he came into this world. had gone against his mother's word and was stuck here now- for eternity.
life was supposed to be a woman, gentle, and beautiful, and fertile. only female offspring were allowed but her son didn't understand, thrust himself into the divine with no one to guide him.
sj was horrified, the world was chaos; jk didn't know how to rule, didn't understand the power he held. sj helped him as much as he could, didn't want to cross the line between life and death.
did so anyway.
jk was captivating, was meant to be life, didn't hold the weight of responsibility, laughed with his chest and cried with it too; he was raised without the fear the rest seemed to have-
sj doesn't think the younger understands. jk was short-tempered despite it all, didn't seem to comprehend consequences,
sj remembers that day still, when he'd burst at jk. snapped out of fear. had felt inferior to it all. jk cursed a human-- for eternity and sj was mortified, tried to make it better but made it so much worse in the end.
he was angry and afraid, and completely lost,
and jk cried, caused disasters and sj felt like a child again, watching as humans suffered because of his ignorance, as Yoongi went about not realizing what sj had done to him, and jk fell into a frenzy.
jk confessed, bright eyes and a nervous grin, and sj's heart swelled in his chest.
but he was death... wilted the flowers jk bloomed, killed the babies jk cooed at, was the hatred people garnered while they grew and learned to love-
they could never be together--
jk clutched onto him, nails digging into his back, tears seeping through his shirt.
He shook when he grabbed the younger arms, the crown on jk's head crumbling, falling onto his fingers, staining his skin.
"jk," he tried to pull him off, looked up to avoid seeing how jk cried.
"jk," He repeated, tugging on the younger's firm hold.
"No- no--" he tightened his grip, and sj could feel jk's sobs vibrate against his chest.
"jk," he tried again, manhandling the younger off.
jk's eyes were cast down when sj finally looked, hands trembling by his side. but he could still see the tears splatter against his white robe, onto the pasture, killing whatever they landed on.
sj's hand twitched, he wanted to reach out. fought himself against it- knew it would ruin it all. jk looked so frail- delicate in the moonlight. skin blanched, afraid.
sj remained quiet, but couldn't bring himself to walk away. he was glued to his spot, feet growing roots and refusing to move, eyes refusing to peel themselves away from jk.
jk looked up- eyes red, cheeks blotchy, lip quivering.
sj's chest tightened, his ears rang- he was truly a weak, weak man
and it was jk's pretty smile when sj reached out, eyes holding galaxies threatening to spill stars,
the giggle when the only thing sj could do was pull him in and kiss away the tears.
thank you for reading and giving this a chance *dances*