Poor Unfortunate Soul

Ursula sat in her clam shell sighing. What was she to do with her


No one was coming to her, the sea witch trader anymore. Her eels knew it too. They could sense it.

Ursula got up and swam slowly towards all of her souls that she had captured throughout the year. There was not that much, to be honest.

“Poor unfortunate souls,” she said in her raspy voice. “You once had a life, but now, you don’t.” She chuckled.

Suddenly, Ursula heard something come from the entrance way of her deep sea cave.

“Hello?” Came a tender voice. In swam a very pretty mermaid with flowing red hair. Her lime green tail sparkled as she swam into the room.

Ursula quickly swam to her clam chair and positioned herself in a calm state.

“Oh, why hello there pretty. What brings you here?” She said calmly, not wanting to give away her excitement.

“Oh, so you are real.” She responded.

“Real? Of course!” Ursula laughed and swam towards the small mermaid. “Let me ask you again. What brings you here?”

The mermaid gulped. “Uh, I’m Ariel, and I have come to make a deal with you.” Ariel said.

“Tritons daughter?” Ursula said, surprised. “My, what a treat...

“What do you wish for, Ariel?” Ursula said.

“Human legs,” she stated.

“Human legs... Does this have anything to do with a prince?” Ursula assumed.

“Yes,” Ariel said quietly.

Ursula smiled. “I thought so. But I will grant you your wish. Only if you trade me your precious voice.”

“My- my voice?” She squeaked.

“YES!!!” Ursula shouted. “Just sign here,”

Ursula pulled out a form with the agreement of Ariel trading her voice for legs.

“Here?” She pointed.

“Yep. Just one easy sign. It will be over before you know it.” Ursula persuaded.

Apparently, this worked. Ariel signed the form and suddenly, spirals swarmed around Ariel’s tail and slowly turned to legs.

“What’s- what’s happening?!” She screamed.

But Ursula just laughed and shook her head.

“Poor unfortunate soul...”

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