Well-Known Secrets

Compose a poem with this title in mind.

Love in HD

Restless agitation, two heartbeats Tremble in anticipation Take to the floor, lights dim, downbeat thunderous - ‘Oh, not the bloody woke agenda AGAIN!’ Departing proclamation resonates Swift exit, stage left Uncompromising, he implores ‘Don’t you watch this, son.’ And so the boy reaches for premature closure Hand outstretched Momentary desire to seize control Stained with prejudice Driven by dutiful compliance As blood-stained as the off-switch. Yet - His gaze lifts to meet the eyes of onstage lovers Light waves convey in high definition Magnetic, impassioned stares Technicolour kaleidoscope Gateway to a dream-like dimension Television set seems to take flight In that brief moment, so too does his heart - So too the hearts of two men - Far removed from the boy’s world - Dancing as one.
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