Write a story with a dual narrative in which one perspective is the protagonist's and the other is of the person stalking them.


**I wrote two separate stories for this prompt, so there will be two here! **🙃

**Story #1**

**POV #1: Stalker (Alex)**

As she made her way down the street, I followed in pursuit trying my best not to lose sight of her in the crowd. That wasn’t exactly hard though, in my eyes, she always stuck out. She was a precious treasure in my eyes, and that’s why I so desperately wanted her to be mine. The first time I ever locked eyes with her, I knew she was the one for me.

But there was one problem: she didn’t want me. I had tried to convince her to go out with me once before, and with her being such an angel, she may have rejected me, but she did so in such a sweet way that I couldn’t help but fall for her even more. She was like an angelic so perfect, but so far out of reach… for now.

I had a plan, I was going to make her mine. I was going to follow her in order to learn more about her, and I was going to use that information to make her fall for me. So yes, my motives for following her were completely pure! I wasn’t some creep!

I had a list of things I had learned about her:

-Her favorite flowers are daisies. Every Saturday, at approximately 1:30 p.m., she goes to a valley by her apartment complex and picks daisies to make a flower crown.

-She has a pet cat. She takes it for a walk every day, starting within the time frame of 8-9 a.m. Each walk lasts for about 45 minutes and takes a path around the park.

-She goes for a run every Monday and Friday at 5 p.m. which conveniently loops around my neighborhood.

-She LOVES anime. Whenever I’m around her apartment complex, I can hear Demon Slayer blasting from the TV in her apartment. She frequently wears anime cosplay to school. And on the 5th of every month, when she gets her paycheck from work, she goes to Hot Topic and buys as much anime merch as she can afford.

-She is extremely generous (I mean, I knew that already, but, whatever). Any extra food or clothes she had, she would bring to the homeless shelter for donation. She also constantly gives gifts to her loved ones and friends. What a sweetheart!!

That was about everything I had learned so far from my… observational methods.

_Maybe it’s time to try again… now that I now her schedule and interests, I might be able to successfully woo her! I just have to find a way to make the encounter seem natural and not creepily planned out! I also need to figure out what to say… and what to do… ugh… why is it so hard to confess to her when I’ve been following her for months now! This should be easy!_ I thought, getting increasingly frustrated by how difficult planning was.

I continued following her down the street, staying perfectly inconspicuous and undetected. Was now really the time?

_Rather now than never. _I thought as I quickened my pace, getting closer and closer to her.

I ended up accidentally bumping into her, which was not my plan whatsoever, but it ended up greatly working in my favor.

She turned to face me and said, “oh! Alex! I didn’t expect to bump into you here! What are you doing here?”

**POV #2: The followed (Annette)**

“I followed you here. I’ve been following you for a while, so I knew that because it’s Moday and approximately 5:10 p.m., you would be on a run. Your runs generally have a route through my neighborhood, so I thought this would be the perfect time to ask you again… will you be my girlfriend?” Alex stayed, bluntly, yet rapidly. His eyes widened and so did mine.

“W-wait! Annette! Forget I said that!” Alex exclaimed.

I was terrified, to say the least. Alex, the boy I thought was just simply lovestruck, was actually an obsessive stalker.

“You followed me?! Creep! Stalker! You can forget about that possibility of me EVER going out with you! You’re sick!” I screamed.

Alex’s face contorted in pain and he looked at the ground, avoiding any form of eye contact.

My entire body shook, fear taking over. I ran off, and unexpectedly, Alex didn’t follow me, or even call out my name…

**STORY #2**


**POV #1: The followed (Elizabeth)**

I couldn’t help but tremble, the feeling of being watched was too strong. It was just a feeling, but I was quite sure that someone or something somewhere out there was watching me closely, observing my every move.

The sun was starting to set and I was nowhere near my home. I had decided to go on a walk through town earlier that day, no idea when I was going to head home. At this point though, I was worried that I wouldn’t make it home at all, especially if some creep was following me.

As I was about to turn a street corner, I heard rapid footsteps behind me, approaching me. I whipped my head around to look behind me, but I saw nothing moving. No people, no cars…

_No witnesses… _I thought, starting to panic, a wave of dread and terror washing over me.

“Who’s there?!” I called out. “Please don’t hurt me! This isn’t very funny! It’s scary! Please stop!”

**POV #2: Stalker (Annabelle)**

I laughed quietly to myself as I hid in the alleyway, listening to Elizabeth’s frantic, panicked cries for help. My knife’s blade glistened in the light of the now visible full moon.


_You won’t be scared for much longer, you boyfriend stealing bitch! You’ll be dead! _I thought, grinning maniacally.

Elizabeth’s life would finally be mine to take, after all the shit she put me through!

I peeked out from the alleyway and saw Elizabeth with her back turned to me, just as I hoped it would be. I quietly tiptoed out of the alleyway and towards her, slowly, silently.

When I got within an arm’s reach of her, I grabbed her, pulled her back, covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream, and held my knife dangerously close to her throat.

“Recognize me now, bitch?” I whispered.

Elizabeth’s eyes widened and she started struggling against my grip. I held my ground. A muffled “let me go, Annabelle” escaped her lips.

“Let you go? After all you did to me? Are you fucking serious? You stole the love of my life, so I’m going to steal your life! A life for a life! Win, win! You’ll be paying be back for what I lost…” I scoffed softly, taken aback by the fact that she even had the audacity to ask for mercy.

“You’re a pathetic, disgusting, boyfriend stealing bitch who doesn’t give two shits about anyone other than herself. You deserve something 1000 times more painful than what I’m going to do to you. You should be grateful that I’m going to make your death quick and easy…” I was pissed off, my teeth gritted as I spoke.

“It’s not my fault that your boyfriend loved me more than you. You were always unstable, Annabelle, I wasn’t. You were too much for him to handle, and that’s not exactly my problem.” Elizabeth said softly, her voice trembling, though she seemed less afraid now. I HATED that.

“That’s not true! He left me because you went behind my back like the two-faced asshole you are! You seduced him into leaving me!” I screamed ragefully, but I knew I had to keep my emotions in check. I refused to lose control and lose to her.

“I’m sorry Annabelle, but he did in face leave you because of your lack of mental stability, and right now, what you’re doing, it only proves my point. You’re nothing more than an unstable little girl who is simply sick in the head.” She said, smirking.

“I’ll wipe that smirk right off your ugly face. Just watch me.” I said, plunging my knife deep into her head through the mouth. She went limp. Blood dripped from her lips, and then I cut them off.

That bitch would never smirk again.

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