the weight of gold: a tale of the fav

Once upon a time in a quaint little town,

There lived a family of great renown.

With children three, each unique and wild,

But one was known as "the favorite child."

With golden curls and eyes so bright,

She seemed to always do everything right.

Her laughter echoed through the halls,

As she danced through life, breaking walls.

The parents doted on her every move,

Praising her for all she could prove.

Her siblings watched with envy and sighs,

Wondering why they weren't as wise.

But the favorite child felt a heavy weight,

For being the favorite was not her fate.

She longed for freedom, to be her own,

Not bound by expectations, not overthrown.

One day she gathered her courage and spoke,

To her parents, she opened up and broke.

"I don't want to be the favorite anymore,

I want to be loved for who I am at the core."

Her parents listened with open hearts,

Realizing they had played their parts.

They embraced her with love so true,

Saying, "You're our favorite, whatever you do."

From that day on, the family grew strong,

Knowing that love wasn't about who's right or wrong.

The favorite child learned to be free,

And the family flourished in harmony.

For love is not a title or a crown,

But the bond that keeps us together, never let us down.

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