Writing Prompt
Her parents love her, Shower her with gifts.
Everyone loves her, She never does any wrong.
Her grades are immaculate, Her room is tidy.
And they don’t want to think about the other one. They focus on her.
She wonderful, She is kind.
She is smart, She will do great things.
Her parents do what she wants, She always gets her way.
We go to her favourite restaurants, And her favourite parks.
We do her favourite activities, And eat her favourite cuisines.
They don’t think about the other one, I’m not as good as the favourite.
Always golden Always the favorite Never did anything wrong Always good grades Always perfect at everything Never room for me The second in this life Everything is always centered around you No one notices me They only notice you Your showered with everything you want While I don’t get anything I want I’m not perfect But I wish for once I get attention
The time goes by Your married first The perfect person at your side While I don’t have anyone I always been shadowed Maybe it’s time I move on I am done being second Never seen Never heard Not perfect to anyone Goodbye everyone No one needs me in this world No one will notice me gone
So I will leave you with a note: You never gave me attention Maybe if you did I wouldn’t be gone Give the same amount to everyone If you read this it means I’m dead Goodbye
I hate being the favorite. I don't like it at all one bit. The pressure to be perfect. The pressure to be great The pressure to be astonishing and be the perfect weight. I'm not perfect. Nor am I great. Stop painting my picture you claim I create. Heaven forbid your perfect daughter is unique? Is my originality too weird for the things that you speak? Tell our family wonderful lies. And act like you've won some great grand prize. I'll hide myself just for your sake. Just don't be surprised when I eventually break.
She is a brilliant star from above, I am her shadow, dark and low. She glides with the grace of a dove, Yet casts her scorn on any raven’s woe.
She holds her books, boundless in beauty, While I bear the sword and the weight of strife. She laughs and smiles, unbound by duty, While I retreat, a recluse, from her light-filled life.
I’d let you shit in my bed, piss on the floor Wait for you to leave the room before cleaning it up, so you wouldn’t get embarrassed. Turn a blind eye. You never talk back, but if you did, I’d let you Scream in my face Drain my bank account 5000 cash bail for a quick thrill Jail tattoo, scars on your belly From swallowing a ball after the vanity of chewing wore thin My American pit bull terrier My all American boy My only child My favorite child
the favorite child gets the attention - and that is no surprise
the favorite child gets his first car for free gets the toys he wants gets the college bond
they also get the father’s dreams that he never achieved forced upon them
the mother’s religion handcuffing them to a church pew
the parents mistakes as being first time parents acting as salt in the wounds
the favorite child is hawkeyed under a microscope and never learns how to be alone
while the other child develops an imagination and lives in freedom while walking through the remnants of battlefields
the favorite child has already fought
give me a hand the scientist uttered her voice was soft fingers fluttering the robot lay still its wires all torn her favorite child the first she’d borne
she sighed and worked her tools in a row how did you break she whispered so low each screw she tightened each wire she tied her heart too full though she tried to hide
it’s just a machine that’s what they all say but this one felt different somehow some way when its eyes flickered and light filled the air she smiled despite knowing she shouldn’t care
hand now moving its gaze met her own looks like you’re back she said in a tone she held its hand feeling warmth expand then laughed and whispered now give me a hand
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