Write a poem from the point of view of a gardener who is enjoying their outdoor hobby.
What imagery and themes could you bring to this poem to reflect the narrator's love for this relaxing but productive activity?
I look into a garden
A lovely, inviting place.
I see trees with low hanging branches
And a gentle, grassy space.
If I lived there I’d never go hungry,
For fruit is abundant and free,
And the fountain in the midst of the garden
Is calling out to me.
Roses just for pleasure
Are planted near and far.
I can see where the lettuce grows
And where the snap-dragons are.
I see corn on tall stalks
Mint and basil here and there.
Potatoes and carrots, beats and squash
Give to the atmosphere a home-like air.
Flowers everywhere
whose names I don’t know,
Adorn the beds
In which they grow.
Everywhere are signs of flourishing
Evidence of careful, tender nourishing.
I want to go in there and be free
In that lovely garden-land.
I feel that it was made for me
By the gentle gardener’s hand.
I know that I would be happy and safe
For I see the marks of tender care
In that beautiful and welcoming place
Here and there and everywhere.
But between me and that haven
Is a great and tall wall.
I don’t know if I
Can get in there at all.
And on top of that
I am in a great fortress
Living in a castle,
I am a princess.
Protected and sheltered
I am a lucky child
But someday I’d like to
Leave these palace walls
And step into that garden
And be allowed to grow wild.