An artist must spend hours painting one person, but they become enamored with the subject's beauty to the point of their distraction.
Whichever narrative viewpoint you choose, try to include emotive and evocative language to portray the artist's fascination.
Too Much
I have spent my whole life
Loving others "too much"
More than myself
More than life
I have loved to hard
too intensely
too invasively
But i don't think i have
i believe the real issue
is that my love language goes
far too under appreciated
far too often
Shakespeare wrote with so much passion
Just as Michelangelo painted
Everyone love the artists that loves too much and too hard and too intensely
Because an artist must spend hours painting or writing
One person
To the point that they lose themselves
Completely enamoured
With the beauty
Of their subject
We appreciate it when it comes from an artist but clearly no one
In the real world
Wants to be loved like an artist's muse