A Dream Which Cannot Be Remembered

My life is going pretty good. I do a nice job get a high paid salary and live a happy life with no problems. A genteman who heard me said “ Problems Are The One Who Wait For The Right Time “, “ They do come some or the other time “. He had a deep voice and the wors scared me off a little, but i didn’t care about it much and went home after my work was done. It was a Full Moon, but it was like always, so i prepared dinner and happily ate it seeing the movie IT 2. I was scare while seeing the movie. It was a scary movie. By the way later i went to sleep. i dream everyday and i dreamed today too but today’s dream was different, it was a daydream. I didn’t have dreams until the morning. However, In the last i had one, this dream i can’t remeber the dream. But i know it was on the topic of a beast feeding on the dreams. I just didn’t remember how the beast did that and what happend later. However it was not a big issue, So i took it light and went to work in the morning. While coming back from work i had seen the same gentleman saying that “ Your Problem Occurs Today Night, Be Careful “. In the night while sleeping…………….

This is just the part one !!!!

The true story is yet to come soon …….. ( : )

Be Happy and Sad at the same time….

Have a nice night !

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