Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

Hello World Part 1

Hello World, I am Victor Risk and this is a story of how I saved the world.

No, not really, but it sure did sound cool though. Right? Okay, not that funny, I understand. I'll tell the truth this time, and this is my story, the story of a young adult who saved a few other young adults from some stuff. I know, vague right, well that's because I want to save the juicy stuff for later.

Well I was born in 1935 in New York, USA. Where exactly I was born at, I have no idea, all I know is what other people tell me and my step father Will Steam told me that I was found in a small basket like Moses, but instead of on a river, I was on the railroad tracks. Which if it isn't obvious, is not the best place for a baby and the worst part was there was a nearby train passing by on the tracks. A big red one with a steaming top, but of course I didn't notice at the time, I mean I didn't even know my right from my left yet. Thankfully, Will (my stepfather), the conductor of that big red death machine, brought the train to a halt inches away from my teeny tiny body. Well maybe not inches, probably feet away from crushing me. Well anyways, Will exited his engine and rescued me. Which was a very kind thing to do and even if I wasn't a teeny tiny baby, he still would have stopped the train, but hey I guess anybody would save someone stuck on the tracks in the middle of the path of an oncoming train. Actually, there is one person I know that would not help a human being in a fatal situation as such, Bully Betrox. Billy Betrox (commonly known as Bully Betrox) was a large, slightly musculized, power driven, son of a police officer. (Ha you thought I was gonna say a naughty word) Due to his father being a police officer, he abuses his power as a descendant of the law. For instance he demands a 75% discount on every store in the city and he says if you don't comply he's gonna get the police to “escort” you out of the city. Additionally he enjoys hurting others, not just mentally like calling people names, but also physically. He goes around beating up people, mostly people smaller than him and taking their pocketbooks. So in conclusion, he would NOT be the one to save someone from an oncoming train.

Whenever I turned 6, Will told me that the best way for me to learn reading, grammar, and other stuff like that was to go to the book store and take lessons from Ms. Frowns. In fact I've already told her about this opportunity, so you go ahead and get to learning. I was so excited that day, now I realize that getting a chance to start (basically) school early isn't the coolest thing, but as a kid I wanted to be the smartest, so I seized the opportunity with haste. Now I'm glad I accepted Will's offer, because the book store is where I met Lucy, Lucy Frowns.

Lucy was the daughter of Ms.Frowns, we don't know who her father was, because Ms. Frowns or Lucy didn't like to talk about it. Anyways, she was like no other, and not in usual ways. Like the flowing of her hair or the beauty of her face, but by the fact that she was educated. Almost no kid in New York, or at least near me, has an education. Only reason I do today is because of Ms. Frowns training. However, Lucy already had the brain of Albert Einstein, whose birthday is coming up, or so I heard. But enough with descriptions, now it's time to continue the story.

As I said, I’m glad I accepted Will's offer, because the book store was where I met Lucy, Lucy Frowns. As I looked into her eyes, it was friendship at first sight. haugh, you thought I was going to say live at first sight, but I didn't, because like I said I was 6 at the time and girls were not of my liking yet. Boys were sure of her liking though, probably from all the books she's read, because as soon as she saw me she twisted her pointer finger in her hair and said, “Hiiiii… I'm LuCy, LuCy FrOwNs (blushy stuttering), what's your name… Potential knight in shining armor (this part was of course said in light whisper out of embarrassment).” ”My name is Victor, Victor Risk” I responded as I reached out and brought her hand to my face and kissed it as Will instructed me to do in the presence of women. She let out a soft giggle, then out of sheer embarrassment she went back to a stoic smile. “Would you like to come inside?" she asked politely. “Yes, my guardian sent me here to gain an education from Ms. Frowns, the owner of this bookshop." I replied. “Oh I know who Ms. Frowns is." “You do?" “Oh yes silly, she's my mother.” After a few more lines of conversation and introducing, she led me to a room with a small wood desk that was slowly falling apart. There was also a painting of a cat walking along a old looking red bridge with a dog walking towards the cat at the same time on a light blue almost baby blue background. ‘This must be her office,’ I thought to myself and I was right because Ms. Frowns was sitting straight up in a wooden chair painted purple behind the dark brown, slowly falling apart, wooden desk. She looked down at us, then looked away.

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