The Head Girl at a boarding school receives a threatening ransom note on the first day of term.

Continue the story. You don't necessarily have to tell it from the student's perspective.

Dear Faith,

Faith has always been in an angel, she gets good grades, doesn’t talk back, and she’s relatively nice to her peers.Her parents went through hell and back to insure the best future for Faith. She decided to finish her last terms at a exclusive and almost isolated school where things aren’t as they seem.

“I never thought I’d end up so far from home”, Faith sighed to herself as she entered the school for the first time. It was huge, like an old castle or a cathedral. She walked past, plastering a fake smile on her face as she greeted some of the many girls who looked her way. Attempting to make her way to the Headmistress she ended up in a courtyard where a girl sat writing in a book, her hair brown with messy curls and a slight blonde patch that I assumed is dyed though that

would go against school regulations. She seemed like one of those girls that never said anything…the quiet type. Faith was so captivated by the beauty that she didn’t see the man approaching her.

“You seem lost”, a slender young man with a heavy accent said to me while looking at nothing. He seemed outta place like everything fit in the scene but him, if I had to guess I’d assume he’s a student.

“Im looking for- I was cutoff by the man interrupting me, “Headmistress Eve…thats who you’re looking for? Well shes waiting for you too, I can take you if you want.” I was grateful but confused on why he had approached me in such a manner.

“So whats your story, what made you want to come to such a boring and grey place.” The tall man asked now walking in-front of me backwards attempting to dodge his peers that unintentionally got in the guys way. He walked odd, he talked odd, yet Faith was so intrigued and fascinated by his appeal.

“My parents made all this happen, they’ve done way more than I could ever imagine to get me to where I am.” I replied proudly though I never knew what it was my parents did, my older sister Felicity had ideas and stopped talking to them, she always said to get out while I could because she didn’t trust my parents. When we were young we used to move around a lot and we joked about being wanted or something else like that. I had a little brother once, but he died a few weeks after delivery though my mother wasn’t too visually upset my father on the other hand was very emotional about the loss of his only son. The only thing I knew about my parents jobs is that they left for months on end and did them together almost always coming back with new gifts and bruises too. We moved a lot after which I always found odd.

“You don’t think its weird that you know nothing about your parents work, yet you live so lavish?”

He questioned me now stopping only inches from my face, it seemed everything had frozen in place and he asked with an expressionless face “What if it was all a lie, maybe your parents are doing something bad. Your sister was smart for leaving when she did.” I couldn’t believe it, how did he even know those things when I didn’t say them out loud, how did he know about my parents mysterious jobs and my sister leaving home. I had so many questions for him and didn’t realize he had left me outside the quarters of Headmistress Eve. When I walked in everything looked white washed like the color had been drained from the room and people, I was led to the Headmistress by a grouchy receptionist named Charlotte and I could tell she hated her job. Making my way inside I see a well dressed women looking out the window with her back towards me, she dripped dominance and for someone like me that usually met trouble because I liked to lead.

After what seemed like forever she gave me a key to a space on the isolated end of the lonely hall, I made my way to the locker.

Rushing to open it a note fell to my feet:

Money is green and real jewels shine

I believe you have something of mine

If I don’t get any money or my jewels revealed

Consider your whole families fate sealed

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