Surrounded By Birds and Greenery

In my dream I was outdoors

My whole family was there

All my friends

The sun shining on our faces

Our bodies strong.

In my dream the song

Of the birds was the loudest of all

It was all we could hear

And so we joined in

The sky was so blue, carribean

The sun was a lemon jolt that

Left little marks in my vision

Remaining when I closed my eyes;

My own personal sunlight

In my dream we all held one another

And the trees surrounding all held us

And the sky was so high up

And the air tasted like chocolate

And it was all yellow and green and blue

And suddenly, around us,

Flowers began to bloom

Shy whites, boisterous purples

Blushing pinks,

and tiny giggling flecks of yellow.

I woke up happier than I'd felt in years

Rising up, free and easy, on that day.

Lighter than the air.

The sun was shining bright that day

And just for one minute,

I could hear birds chirping outside my window.

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