Submitted by TheQuillPen
Write a poem about giving up.
It doesn’t have to be negative, it can be about giving up something or someone that’s been holding you back.
Ready To Rest
I can say that I’ve lived a decent life
One filled with both laughter and tears. ,
I’ve experienced the sun, the rain, and everything in between
I have been tried and tested
I have loved and i have lost,
But lately the losses outweigh the love,
The sun, too often turned into storms
And it has been too long since we’ve laughed
So i am laying down,
Prepared to succumb to my injuries,
Ready to rest
When i go, do not be sad,
Because i will not leave you,
I will be the sun dancing between the clouds,
Shining down, so you may never know my darkness,
I will be the butterfly that sticks around for a moment,
So you may be a little less lonely,
I will be the moss on the forest floor,
Resting among the trees in hopes you may join me,
Finally at peace,
Allowed to simply be