Smell Of The Future

“This new land smells of fear”, noted Diego ,”New people who hate us more than anything. If that doesn’t insert fear into you, I don’t know what will”.

“It’s not fear I smell, it’s future”, I stated boldly. My friend stared at me blankly.

“What does that even mean”, asked Diego thoughtlessly.

“It means that I do not think on fear in our present time, but what my future holds were that fear is no longer an issue”, I explained.

“And what “fear” is an issue at the moment Nico?”, my accomplice asked.

“The fear of having to explain everything to you”, I replied sarcastically ,”And the fear of this new place. So different than Mexico. But for eventually, this will be our home. Now come on, let’s get out of here”.

He nodded, then we walked down the dirty streets of Manhattan.
