Downpour, On a random Tuesday ❤️
A great day to walk, she thought
On this beautiful, random Tuesday
Not a cloud in the sky
She bounced down her steps
Unknowing with in moments
She will soon meet
Someone she has waited for most of her life
At the same time
The man she has been seeking
Left his office around the corner
He yelled to his office mate,
“I’m running to grab a bite”
His office mate acknowledged
as he hung up the phone
Waiting in line, he notices
His time for break time is almost over-
Streets filled with strangers looking up
Moving quickly
As the storm is drawing closer
The energy begins rising
Air growing in density
Leaves begin to rustle
It won’t be long before it’s here
The rain begins to fall
Little sporadic at a times
Loud crashes of thunder
Begin to stun a few passersby’s
Rain is now flooding the road as the cars drive by
He knows he needs to hurry
He leaves the restaurant
Running and fighting his umbrella
He can’t seem to figure it out
He noticed it’s broken not sure it will hold water
She, just a few steps ahead -
She hears fumbling behind her
Quickly turning not knowing what she will find, surprised her
In that split second
Their eyes lock
Without a word exchanged-
“Do I know” they both uttered, except neither knew the others name
Instantly they both feel something is different
Deep inside their being
He is still struggling with his umbrella still
Then starts to scream -
Like a frustrated child he gets louder questioning,
“who invented this stupid thing?”
“Finally!”, he exclaims, with a sense of victory
He looks again to her, smiles
With the eyes of a child -
Big, wide eyed he gazes at her
Motions to her-
to come under and share his covering for a while
She smiles back to him in that moment
She knew he was the one
She couldn’t understand
She felt as if she had known him
His first words to her ,not romantic , “which way you going “ he shouts
She chuckles and says “I can’t hear you over the rain”
He says again,
This time without screaming -
She smiles and points, this way
He nods in agreement
Beginning on their journey
Within a few short moments
She immediately feels at ease
In this stranger’s company
There is no anxiety
Drop by drop their closeness grows
under the simple broken umbrella
They remain close
Both In disbelief how they found one an other
On this random, Tuesday
They can feel sparks between them
Not understanding why-
Each accidental time their bodies touch
Their is a connection that passes through them
Almost electrifying-
Step by step-
Their hearts rate increases
Still both dont understand
What they are feeling -
Never expected this to happen
Without knowing the others name
She arrives and expresses, this is my stop she continues to say,
“I can’t thank you enough”
(She feels she will have regret if words are left unsaid)
She smiles back at the stranger
Before she knew it -
He grabbed her close in his arms
“Please forgive me, I know I am a stranger
This is crazy but I have to say, when we make eye contact a strange feeling came over me.
I’ve been here before, not sure where or how I feel I know you. I don’t understand how”
He went on to tell her, what many men struggle to say:
He admitted his feelings, he was open, vulnerable and unafraid….
She smiled back at him and agreed
“Don’t worry I understand what you are saying”
Before she could finish,
His eyes lit up like Christmas morning
He reached in and pulled her close
He kissed her like he was leaving for war
Not knowing, if he would return home
As they kissed, she looked up to Thank God
She said in her mind,
“hahah so you are there, I see”
Questioning how he got it all right
Everything I searched for
He seemed to be the match to
After all this time, I’ve found him.
She said with glee…
He even has the twinkle in his eyes, when he smiles looking over at me
(That was in the “extra column”)
The rain disappeared
They both had to go
After exchanging their information
They set up their first date, knowing it would go on forever
Or so the story goes …..
Both walking away in disbelief
How could it be?
I met my person on a normal day of the week?
Understanding moments like these are
Often rare, Only come- so often
Hesitate or blink
You will surely see; how quick
You can miss your opportunity -❤️