It Was Only A Cup Of Coffee

Laughter and cheers, everyone and I sit around a table in a garden; a party gathering. **“Hey guys,” **Lia slams her hands against the table to grab everyone’s attention, “Veronica is cheating!?”

“Ugh, not this again.” I say. Veronica is literally accompanying us today and it’s her birthday, is Lia really in her right state of mind?

“Come on! It’s interesting how this psycho is still dating people when she should be it in jail.” Lia points at the veronica who is shyly looking away.

Lia’s face repulses.

“Lia, leave me alone. I don’t like you talking about me. It’s our secret, you can’t be screaming it out.” Veronica stands up and dunks her coffee on Lia.

“You’re lucky it’s not wine, serendipity is on your side.” Veronica escalates the situation,

“Don’t you let me ever”

“Ever. Hear my business out your mouth; stop scrutinising every little bit of my life!” Veronica goes on and on, prattling about the imperfections of our dear friend Lia. Woah, what a speech. I look to my right and see Lia. Although, her head’s hung low and calm, I know that she’s raging with resentment.

All and sundry is mesmerised from a dictation preached by a mere hypocrite. Yes, Lia is a bad person, but why is a criminal of all people having a say?

Pale skin peers out from waterfall of hair. Like gunshot, Lia shoots up and gush. Just gush. Blood is gushing out of Veronica’s neck, Lia lets go of the knife inserted in her.

So many words to describe how I felt at that moment, we’re all frozen still, the sky is, the birds are. It was only coffee.

“What-? Why?” Johnathon screams, splatters of crimson stain his face. He swipes his face with his hands and cries at the blood on them.

“Why why why why why?” Ruth bellows. Everyone stared at the dead body on the ground, she- she’s smiling…? Veronica is smirking. Her dead body. Her veiny eyelids twitch and twitch.

Laughter and cheers. Like the maniac she is, Lia is shrieks and guffaws, her bloody face morphs into a grin of straight mania. She’s crazy, she’s crazy, she’s fucking crazy. On and on and on; and it only gets louder and louder.

All of a sudden, our surroundings go pitch black. This abrupt force drags me back in my chair, the frigid feeling of metal tightens around my wrists. I feel my adrenaline shooting through the clouds, everything was all too much…

Click. The table no longer has a fear but a sheer candle on the centre. We’re all covered in blood, practically drenched. It breaks my heart seeing all my friends horrified faces; Alex looks as if he’s about to have a heart attack any second; Johnathon is weeping, Ruth stares into space in defeat whilst Lia is beaming.

My face is frozen, I can’t even move it, my eyes have only got the privilege of moving.

“Get me out of here!” Jonathan screams, constantly shaking to exit the thick cuffs attached to his chair’s arm rest.

“Not until you tell me who killed her? Who killed lovely Ronny?” A voice is heard.

Alex shouts “We all know it’s Lia-“

“But did you see it?”

“AHHH” Veronica’s body is levitating in the air. “You killed me. Now you all shall pay.” Her eyes are so wide they’re bulging out her skull. Blood is dripping off her.

What in the madness was going on?

“Now shall we begin, Veronica?” The voice says.

“Yes. We shall.”

And black.

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