Write a 500-word story that starts in one genre and ends in another.
Try to match two unlikely genres together, such as humour and horror!
Happy Birthday
“Happy Birthday!” my best friend, Amy, shouted to me.
I laughed and ran to hug her. It had been a year since I had last seen her. I missed her.
“I missed you!” I cried.
“I missed you too,” said Amy. “Here’s your present.” She handed me a pink box wrapped in silver ribbon. I couldn’t wait to open it.
“C’mon, lets go to where everyone else.” We walked through the path of trees to the picnic table where my birthday party was set up.
My family and friends were all waiting for us.
I had decided to have my birthday party near the lake. I always loved going on hikes here with my friends on weekend trips and my family during holidays. The lake was my happy place.
They all greeted me and handed me my presents. I was going to save them for later, first we needed cake.
I took a seat in the middle of the bench and everyone gathered around me. Amy sat down beside me. Then the cake was lit and everyone started to sing.
It was always embarrassing and my cheeks went red, but I smiled and sat through it anyways.
To my side a rustle came from the woods. A squirrel. My dog, Duke, came running after it. He leapt on the table, and got distracted by the cake. He started stuffing his face and picked up a candle, thinking it was a toy.
And then Duke ran. He remembered the squirrel and ran. With the candle in his mouth.
Me and Amy were the first ones up. We chased after Duke trying to get to the candle before he dropped it.
Duke took an overgrown path and we chased him. Our clothes covered in burrs, and sticks scratching us up.
“Duke,” I called. “Come back here boy!”
I heard him just in front of me. I ran until I reached a clearing. Amy just behind me.
“C’mon boy,” I said. “Give it to me.”
I slowky walked over to him with my hands held up.
Then he heard the squirrel. And dropped the candle.
I was too late.
I took off my sweater and tried batting at the flames. It didn’t work. My sweater was just making it worse. More things for it to burn.
I jumped back, standing side by side with Amy.
It was getting hotter and hotter.
We were surrounded. Not knowing which way was back.
In a matter of minutes it was an inferno.
But the lake was nearby. It had to be. I listened hard differenciating from fire and water.
To the left. The water was to the left.
I pulled Amy’s arm and we trudged through the woods, flames reaching our skin.
It _burned_.
Then I saw the lake. We held hands and jumped in. Just as Duke came running behind us.
The three of us swam in the water as the woods erupted behind us.
All we could do was wait to be rescued.