Cold Metal

Another out break, wounds and bruises cover my arms. My eye blue. A blur figure moving towards me. The bed next to me, a knife…I slowly come back to senses. My body aches, and in front of me…

Alex.The one who pretend like he’d love me, take all the weight off my shoulders. But in the end…emotional abuse was all I got.

Alex looks at me with that empty look in his eyes

“Finally you stopped your silly running game. Had fun ? Got everything out of your system ? Well whatever it was, it won’t last”

He hold the edge of the knife against the wall, letting a shrill sound come from it as he slowly walked towards me. The cold metal against the wall.

“ What did I ever do to you ?! I loved you !”

I yell, my voice broke, my throat burning like I wasn’t able to breath in the oxygen. Tears welling up. Then I get a grip of myself. I swallow my fear and try to stand my ground.

“What you did ? You were everything to me, that’s the part I don’t like. I need control, I can’t let you be anything that’s fond to me. I need to get rid of your pretty face”

He hold the knife up to his throat. As if to intimidate me, telling me he’s slit that throat of mine.

“Just hear me out..Alex…”

I coughed out with a raspy voice. Yet his eyes are still stone cold, boring through mine.

“ I don’t have time for your silly games.”

He snarled.

I gulp and clutch my hands together.

“I get it Alex, your smart, you’re recoursefull. You’ve thought probably of everything ahead. But think about what happens next. If you kill me, it’s not only the police you’ll have to worry about. you know how it goes. They’ll come down on you hard. And for what? Someone easily replace like me?”

I say with all the strength and courage I had. I knew he could be a lunatic. Yet I wasn’t ready to die.

“ I know your not a reckless person. You’ve planned all of this ahead. But think about it again. There is no need for you to kill me to get rid of me. You can walk away clean. I’ll leave you. That’s what you want , right? To be in control, to have everything figured out.”

He looks at you. Thinking for a moment, a groan is to be heard.

“Fine. Then get the fuck out of here..”

I quickly take my keys, money and nothing more. I didn’t take chances….

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