Write a poem including the phrase 'Hope is the bridge between despair and joy.'


I am both amused and disheartened

about the debate

Everyone laughs about what he said

But it’s scary

people still support him anyway

He has this power

To say anything he wants

And no one still stop him

Hope really is the bridge

between despair and joy

I’m hopeful

But also worried

What a time to live in America


(It funny in a bad way that a presidential candidate would ever say things like illegal aliens eating pets or whatever he said, but it’s scary how people still support him.

I’ve had one encounter when I was young that someone said to me as a joke about eating a cat (I’m Chinese). I didn’t know it then but I do know now how racist and wrong that was, especially with how young I was. It just makes me sick how Trump can literally be racist and say blatantly untrue things and get away with it. And potentially could again be the president.

Please anyone in the US that can vote needs to this election. I’m not even trying to say which side to vote for but just exercise your right and vote. Also, I don’t hate republicans, I just don’t like Trump. If that wasn’t clear. Ok my rant is done now. Have a good day!)

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