Inspired by Leona McNeil

Your character is sitting an exam that they absolutely must pass. Create a narrative focusing on their emotions during this scene.

Don’t focus on the event; focus on the character's thoughts and feelings, and how this situation affects them.

Price of Greed

“Spare a dollar?”

A disheveled man called.

He reeked of the streets,

“Where’s your blue collar?”

I asked in return,

I worked for these sheets,

Won’t give it for a holler.

“Humanity not enough?”

His slurred voice rang.

Why won’t he let up?

“I won’t pay your next puff.”

I turned to leave,

no beggar deserves sup’s

no matter how rough.

“As you turn your back astray

Consider me again

When your life is being amounted

on judgement day”

His voice filled the vacant air.

Fallen onto a deaf heart

As the most important test of all

I had unknowingly failed.

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