Real World

All I can hear is the ticking of the clock

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.

If it were a Tell Tale Heart and I was Poe

I’d rip the floorboards up for it to stop.

He’s staring at me still, he hasn’t moved for a while

Shouting at him to wake up, to face the world.

A scary world with too much to see

BANG here and CRACK there

It’s not the floorboards

Fires burn outside and children talk like adults

Lavish parties with costumed people

Animals that are given the voices of humans.

People should be running, I’m backed in a corner

Facing a mirror that’s bound to shatter

I’m safer in here, at night time, I’m safe

But the ticking of that clock is bringing about day

What will happen to me if I walk

in the sunlight, on the street, in the dark?

I’m much better here, with Poe and his heart.

Arghh get over this madness, you weak feeble man

Be part of the real world, you know that you can

Wishing for strength to fight off this curse

Walk out of this house right now!

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