Your character wakes up in an unfamiliar room where everything seems to have been perfectly tailored to their wants and needs...

The Worst Nightmare

As I opened my eyes, I saw the light that came into by bedroom from my window. I was blinded by the light (reference to a song🤣). I turned on my led lights and got out of my bed.

I turned my fan off and picked up my phone. I hopped onto daily prompt to start writing but something caught my eye. Something I didn’t see before. I look out my window and instead of seeing a grand forest with a blue sky, I see a brick wall. What?

I hear nothing but my breathe. I look to the door. It looks just like my original, no locks. I got to my closet and opened it. All of my clothing were on their appropriate hangers, and everything was organized as it should be.

I picked a shirt and put it on. Right to my size, huh, weird? I tried to open my door to make myself a breakfast but it would not budge. I go to my window, and look out again. Brick wall. Thats it. It was right on my window. What was this.

All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door and it started to open, then I woke up. I awoke to the pleasant sound of birds chirping outside my window and the bright rays of the sun pouring through my window.

The trees covered most of my view and the blue sky, the rest. I looked at my room in suspicion. Checked the closet, opened my door and looked in the hallway. All normal. I went back to my room and closed the door and got dressed.

It was all just a very weird dream. I sighed and opened my phone. KNOCK KNOCK. I looked to the door, expecting my mother, instead came a tall man with a black mask.

“Welcome! To your worst nightmare boy.”

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